Matamata Chronicle

Appeal to help breast cancer


The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation needs an additional 3000 volunteers nationally to help with its Pink Ribbon Street Appeal, which this year will run over two days, Friday and Saturday, October 12 and 13.

Volunteers are desperatel­y needed in Matamata.

There will also be a raffle on display at Pictiur Perfect Kodak Express with all proceeds going to the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation.

The 2012 appeal is fronted by former TV presenter Helena McAlpine, diag- nosed with breast cancer in 2008, at the age of 31.

The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation is inviting volunteers to give two hours of their time to “Stand beside Helena” and help raise funds to educate younger women about breast cancer and the need to be aware of their family history and other risk factors.

Donations to the appeal will also support the foundation’s wider work in community education, breast cancer research, breast cancer patient registers and supporting women who are recovering from or with breast cancer.

Breast Cancer is the most common cancer for women of all ages, with one in nine women being diagnosed over the course of their lifetime.

The Pink Ribbon Street Appeal is the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation’s key fundraisin­g platform for October, which is Breast Cancer Action Month.


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