Matamata Chronicle

Some people have no pride


never shit (sic) where you sleep . . . but I hope the person or persons get caught . . . scrub your shit (sic) off with a tooth pick . . . do it with a passion . . . LOL.

– I guess it doesn’t matter which town it is, you’re gonna (sic) see this regardless, but in saying that, maybe if the Waharoa community had something like a youth centre where the kids could go, they might not do what there doing. If there’s nothing there for them to do, well they’re gonna (sic) keep tagging their town. Kids these days are out of control, I guess in a way I’m glad it’s just tagging and not killing. Anyway my point is, the kids need something urgent in their town where they can go hang out and enjoy themselves.

– As long as I can remember this has always been a problem in Waharoa and in parts of Matamata, Morrinsvil­le and Te Aroha too. Maybe what needs to happen is that businesses that sell the spray cans should not be allowed to sell them at all, just a thought because if they couldn’t have access to them then they wouldn’t be able to do it.

– Well the only thing that Waharoa cares about is rugby who gives about da tagging bro (sic).

– So Ladies and Gentleman, we’ve had a couple of suggestion­s as to what is wrong, and a couple of suggestion­s as to what can be done . . . Let’s use this opportunit­y and forum to talk about what can be done. I think most people on here will not be happy with the tagging, and yes, it is not limited to Waharoa, but this is our area, so, let’s have some ideas as to what can be done.

– Totally agree with Warren. We should all have pride in our communitie­s and want them to look great.

– Ok! We all know the tagging is bad and ugly to look at every day! It’s not that some of the people have no pride, it’s more like some of the young people have no respect for certain buildings!!! Of course we want our town to look choice, but we can’t always be around after hours! The big hall has always been a tagging target! It looks like a perfectly good building just sitting there!! Maybe if it was used, the graffiti might stop?!

– So! Yes, we all know that the tagging in Waharoa is bad and a disappoint­ment to our town. But what do you expect growing up in an environmen­t like Waharoa? It’s not only a targeted tagging place, it’s also what you call home to the ‘‘Waharoians.’’ So I guess what I’m trying to say is that yes, maybe there’s a lot of tagging, and yes, maybe it’s a lot of young people, but I can sure bet you that the tagging won’t stop cause (sic) to young people these days, tagging is all part of their life. You can never change that. These days they say a lot of young people get away with stuff, it’s because days have changed, it’s not the same like back in the old days. But yes, it would be so nice and we would all be so grateful if the tagging could stop cause (sic) yes I agree, we all want our town to be choice! And to look good!

– Little shits (sic) whoever they are, when they are caught they should be made to scrub there s..t (sic) off with a toothbrush.

for the paint.

– And pay

– Disgusting, don’t they have any respect for public buildings and such? I had my 21st in that [Waharoa Town] Hall in 1987.

– Unbelievab­le, what are the younger generation thinking?

– Don’t blame the younger generation. There are a small number of idiots who are giving the majority a bad name. What a shame.

Some comments have been edited for spelling and grammar.

 ??  ?? Chronicle, editor Katrina Lintonbon will take a more indepth look into what is happening in Waharoa.
Chronicle, editor Katrina Lintonbon will take a more indepth look into what is happening in Waharoa.
 ??  ??

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