Matamata Chronicle

Fieldays shaping up strongly


Organisers of New Zealand’s iconic agribusine­ss exhibition, the national agricultur­al Fieldays, have released the prospectus for the 2013 event to be held from June 12 to 15 at Mystery Creek Events Centre.

There has been healthy interest, with 72 per cent of all agribusine­ss sites reserved for Fieldays 2013.

Now in its 45th year, Fieldays hosts about 1000 exhibitors on 1400 sites within the 40- hectare exhibition and demonstrat­ion space.

The annual four- day event attracted more than 125,000 visitors in 2012, providing exhibiting businesses the ultimate connection to farming customers, both locally and internatio­nally.

The premier feature and topical theme of Fieldays 2013 is ‘‘Getting Down to Business in the Global Economy’’, which highlights New Zealand’s unique position as an innovative agribusine­ss-driven economy to capitalise on the growing internatio­nal demand for food, protein and agricultur­al expertise.

NZ National Agricultur­al Fieldays chief executive Jon Calder said: ‘‘We are acknowledg­ed as a window into one of the most innovative, forward-thinking agricultur­al economies in the world.

‘‘We are excited to be able to provide a platform at Fieldays 2013 for New Zealand agribusine­ss to showcase its capability and innovation, demonstrat­ing to New Zealand and the world why we are internatio­nal leaders in pastoral faming.’’

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