Matamata Chronicle

Fighting fit, ready for another round

Matamata mum describes conquering nerves ahead of boxing battle. Rexine Hawes reports.


The nerves have settled and the bruises healing on the body of Matamata woman Michelle Wellington.

The fighting-fit mumof five survived her first exhibition boxing match at the Hinuera Rugby and Sports Boxing Battle fundraiser recently.

Despite saying it’s the hardest thing she has ever done, she’s prepared to enter the boxing ring again, in 2017.

Wellington says she was nervous and full of anxiety in the few days leading up to the boxing battle.

‘‘I didn’t know what to expect or how it was going to go, it’s unlike anything I have ever done before.’’

Wellington entered the ring with Suzie van Heuven, also from Matamata.

The two had trained together at the Walton Boxing Club but never sparred one another.

Wellington describes fighting against her friend as ‘‘horrible’’.

‘‘I had to put a wall up. I got to know her as my friend but I just had to block it out.

‘‘I hit her in the tummy (during the actual fight) and said sorry.’’

Wellington says by the second round she had blocked out the crowd of over 300 people, including friends and husband Andrew (Bull) who were watching.

It was through the expertise of Walton Boxing Club trainers Dr Raymond Richards, Trevor McIntyre and Golden Gloves winner Zep Clarke-Lynn, plus the incredible amount of support from Bull and close friends that Wellington says prepared her for the fight.

‘‘It was so good knowing they (McIntyre and Clarke-Lynn) were there in my corner.

‘‘They didn’t put any pressure on me.

‘‘Bull was super proud of me. It was so good to have him there.

‘‘He had never seen me train, so he had no idea what to expect.

‘‘He said he was really nervous for me.’’

Wellington says the event is now ‘‘very surreal’’ and she doesn’t remember much, despite her sore nose from a direct hit to the face.

‘‘I can’t recall a lot, I don’t remember it hurting (getting hit). During training I learned to take a punch.

‘‘I am glad I did it, and so glad it’s over.

‘‘I have new respect for boxers, it’s not easy and one of the hardest things I have ever done.’’

Wellington says she plans on entering the ring for another fight, organised through the Walton Boxing Club.

‘‘My fight was an exhibition match, so I want one where there is a clear winner or loser.’’

One of the Boxing Battle organisers Michelle Gillies says she was very happy with the how the evening went.

‘‘We put lots of hard work and planning into it and I think that’s why it was so successful.

‘‘We are not sure what we will be able to do next to top that one.’’

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 ??  ?? More than 300 people came to watch the Boxing Battle.
More than 300 people came to watch the Boxing Battle.

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