Matamata Chronicle

One win, one loss, in week of play


Ten minutes into the second half and the scores closed up again, with a further try each seeing points sit at 28-23 to Te Awamutu.

Huge pressure from Matamata saw them score a try right on fulltime, to Sailosi Baleisolom­oni.

The successful conversion by Foy meant Matamata won, 30-28.

Try scorers for Matamata were Alex Bradley, Epeli Lotawa, Phillip Togotogoru­a and Salosi Baleisolom­oni. advantage, opponents.

Marist made a blazing start scoring two tries in the first six minutes only for Matamata to reply with a try 11 minutes in, to Epeli Lotawa.

A further try and a penalty moved Marist to a 15-point lead.

Tenacious defence held Matamata out until a nicely placed chip-kick by Phillip Togotogoru­a saw Zach Bell score a try, conversion successful, 22-14.

Marist put on two more tries to go to the break 34-14 up.

The second half saw Matamata speedster Phillip Togotogoru­a score a brilliant intercept-try only were formidable three minutes in and the score was 34-19.

Togotogoru­a followed up with another try six minutes later and with the conversion, Matamata was closing the points gap, 34-26.

Marist took one back with 20 minutes to go. Great Matamata defence held Marist out and a final Matamata try to Tevita Lesivakaru­a made for a close finish - 39-33 to Marist.

Spectators may have been expecting a larger victory to Marist.

Many Marist supporters were expressing relief the game ended prior to any further pressure from the Matamata lads.

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