MiNDFOOD (New Zealand)



Catching up with family and friends whenever I could were my highlights of 2021. Now it’s time for new adventures, like exploring the great outdoors.

New year, new plans, new opportunit­ies. As I reflect on the many highlights and opportunit­ies of 2021, I keep coming back to two in particular that mean the most; catching up with family and friends. Without them, life would be pretty dull, so those two also remain at the top of the list for 2022. Though somewhat driven by periods of lockdown, I also intend to spend more time outdoors this year, having discovered the enjoyment of leaving the car at home and walking through my neighbourh­ood, noticing more bird life than ever before. Plus I’d forgotten how easy it is to combine some fitness with gleaning garden, lawn and house envy tips from the ’burbs near mine. When it comes to the enjoyment of wine and other great beverages, a ‘drink less, drink better’ approach seems like the smart thing to do ... and if I’m honest, less social media screen time is also called for. I hope your plans for 2022 include surroundin­g yourself with the people you care about the most, looking forward not back, and that you enjoy reading the wine and beverage reviews, news, recipes and interestin­g material inside MiNDFOOD.

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