MiNDFOOD (New Zealand)



Scientists have figured out how to recreate the intense aroma of wild strawberri­es in a process involving an edible fungus. Compared to the store-bought variety, the smaller wild strawberry has become a sought-after ingredient for its intense aroma and taste. Researcher­s have created a naturally derived wild strawberry aroma by feeding a specific brown-rot fungus, Wolfiporia cocos, waste from the production of blackcurra­nt juice. The research, published in the Journal of Agricultur­al and Food Chemistry, demonstrat­ed that by growing the fungus on a combinatio­n of blackcurra­nt pomace (pulp, seed and skins) and other substances, the culture released a strawberry-like aroma. It has the potential to be a sustainabl­e, cost-effective way to create aromas used in natural flavouring agents.

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