Motorhomes Caravans & Destinations



Having grown up watching NZMCA rallies as a child, and watched others enjoy the many benefits of camping in a motorhome, Nikki had been considerin­g the idea of buying an RV for a few years before she finally took the leap.

“I always thought motorhomin­g was for retired or wealthy people. I also thought – being a single 50-yearold woman – I wouldn’t be able to drive and manage it by myself. I was wrong, and have met so many women of all ages motorhomin­g alone.”

Nikki’s budget didn’t stretch to paying for a motorhome outright, but having heard about P2P lending, she realised it could be a good solution to help manage the finance payments.

“I researched the ins and outs of hiring out my motorhome – how it works, risks, responsibi­lities etc,” she says. “My initial phone call with Camplify was so informativ­e, and their staff are so helpful and friendly – and made me feel I was in safe hands.

“Hiring out my van through Camplify was the best decision I have made in a while. It’s opened my world, I get to talk to and meet new people, and I get pleasure from playing a part in helping families have memorable holidays.

“Financiall­y, I wouldn’t have been able to have a motorhome simply for myself and my family. How lucky am I, that other people are paying all my expenses and I get free holidays!

“The motorhome isn’t just about holidays to me either. It’s just as great for an afternoon out, a night away, a place to park up and read a book. I know the bed is comfortabl­e for me, so I can stay at friends’ houses and be self-sufficient with everything I need. After we have dinner in the city and enjoy a couple of wines,

I can just sleep over and there’s no need for taxi fares.

“Having a motorhome has given me a new life, and new adventures. I love being able to drive down random roads I normally drove past, having always stayed on main highways in the past. I have also learned how beautiful New Zealand is; simply parking up at a river, forest, lake, or beach and not being tied to any timeframes with accommodat­ion check-outs is totally the way to go.”

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 ?? ?? Having a motorhome has given Nikki new life, and new adventures
Having a motorhome has given Nikki new life, and new adventures
 ?? ?? It’s amazing what you can fit in storage!
It’s amazing what you can fit in storage!

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