Motorhomes Caravans & Destinations



If you’re lucky, you’ll be reading this sitting in your favourite chair in the sunshine, a glass of something cool and delicious in your hand, as you contentedl­y enjoy the fruits of a long-awaited time out. My summer will be a bit more of a staycation this year, but there’s still plenty of places to relax and explore whether you’re five kilometres from home or 500. I’ve recently been trying to find some interestin­g walking trails close to me on Auckland’s North Shore, and it’s amazing how many there actually are. One recent discovery – a tiny, innocuous little break in the trees, behind a red painted bench – has led me to a fascinatin­g trail, complete with hand-painted direction and informatio­n signs (one is situated next to an old piece of corrugated iron roof that apparently landed there during the Albany tornado in 2011). It leads to a gorgeous stream with a waterfall and plenty of luscious native bush. It’s amazing what you can find if you look! Talking of looking…if you’re starting to think about upgrading your RV in 2023, you’ll be pleased to know that the Covi Show is making a welcome return to Auckland Showground­s in March. After the pandemic-induced hiatus, it’s fantastic to see this show back in action; hopefully we’ll see you there! Meanwhile, if renovation is more up your street, we want to hear from you! We’ve teamed up with Resene to search out some of the renovation­s you’ve done, or are doing, on your RVS; check out page 17 to find out more on how to enter this fantastic competitio­n!


We’ve gone from beach to bush and beyond in this issue. Writer Jill Malcolm stretched out in the stunning inlet of Whananaki in the Far North (page 32). At places like this, time seems to slow down; I couldn’t help thinking that many of the photos in this story could have been taken yesterday or 30 years ago. Vivienne Haldane ventured a little further south, discoverin­g Otari-wliton’s Bush, a peaceful green Nirvana just a stone’s throw from Wellington (page 14), while intrepid traveller Paul Owen made it all the way down to cross the South Island from Christchur­ch to Greymouth on the Tranzalpin­e Express (page 20). And of course, it’s January – which means we’ve put together a wrapup of all the vehicle reviews we did over the course of 2022 (page 84). There’s plenty to read in this issue, and hopefully, you’re enjoying a lovely long leisurely January in which to do just that!

 ?? ?? Catherine Milford, Editor
Catherine Milford, Editor

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