Napier Courier

Car hurtles through school fence


Richmond School principal Shane Foster heard the sirens echoing around Maraenui, getting closer and closer to his office, and louder.

He wondered what they were for. Then the fleeing car that police were chasing yesterday came careering through the school’s wooden fence.

It carried on, driving across school grounds as children who had just returned from morning tea break stared in shock.

Police say the vehicle drove to a side gate, where it rammed and damaged a police car near the exit.

The driver fled on foot, before being arrested nearby.

Foster said his staff rang the bell immediatel­y, putting the school into voluntary lockdown as a precaution.

He then rang police to tell them what he’d done and that the children were safe in their classrooms.

“It was really lucky our morning tea had finished, otherwise things could have been different,” he said. “It’s just stupid that someone thought it was a good idea to use school grounds as a way to try to escape police.”

A police spokeswoma­n said two people were arrested. The chase began about 11.40am when a suspicious vehicle was seen in the Maraenui area and failed to stop for police.

Two schools, Richmond and Bette Christie Kindergart­en, went into a voluntary lockdown as a precaution­ary measure but this was lifted after an hour.

Police said searches on foot around Maraenui later located the alleged offender who was taken into custody without further incident.

The person is expected to face various charges and is due to appear in court today. Another person was arrested for obstructio­n.

“Police would like to thank the schools and the public for their patience while police dealt with this unfolding incident.”

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