Napier Courier

Grease is the one for newcomer Georgia


Georgia Barrow is about to step on to the Tabard Theatre stage as Sandy in the upcoming season of Grease opening on Friday, March 27.

Georgia is a relative newcomer to musical theatre but singing has always been a part of her life.

“I have done three musicals all together (excluding Grease), my first being the Iona and Lindisfarn­e high school production of Godspell. I then immediatel­y did Waipawa’s Whistle Down the Wind. Most recently I played the lead role of Sophie in Mamma Mia! Now onto Grease — woohoo!” Georgia says.

Georgia’s favourite role so far has been the southern American Swallow from Whistle Down the Wind.

“She was a wonderful teenage girl who sadly lost her mother and fell in love with a convict (who she thought was Jesus). She was a character of many wonders and it was an absolute pleasure bringing her and all of her personalit­y to life.”

Grease rehearsals have been in progress since November last year and the company is looking forward to opening night. When asked why Grease, Georgia replied, “Why Grease? What a question. Because it’s Grease. I love the music, I love the dancing, the energy, the story. No need to go on really. This all being said, the director’s version might not be what people are expecting, which is a very exciting concept to be a part of.”

Playing Sandy is a strong singing role and Georgia has been supported by singing lessons right through until high school. Georgia has learnt a lot about Sandy and what makes Sandy tick.

“What’s not to love about Sandy — not the original Olivia Newton-John Sandy, but the real Sandy. She is strong and passionate, perhaps naive but she knows what she wants and will go for it. I love how William, the director, is wanting to portray Sandy and I have no doubt everyone else will love this version of her,” Georgia says.

Being involved in a production takes time, commitment and a passion for the work that needs to be done. There are many challenges involved in theatre — trying to fit rehearsals, work, family and daily life in is all a big juggling act.

“We do it because we love it — gluttons for punishment. I cannot wait for the curtain to go up on the 27th of March and for everyone to witness this unique and awe inspiring production. I am very proud of all of the cast and how hard everyone has worked. It has been an absolute pleasure.”

■ Grease runs to a limited season at The Tabard Theatre from Friday, March 27 until Saturday, April 11. Tickets from The Tabard Theatre Costume Hire, Napier Municipal Theatre, iSite or

 ??  ?? GEORGIA Barrow plays Sandy in the upcoming production of Grease.
GEORGIA Barrow plays Sandy in the upcoming production of Grease.

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