Napier Courier

Pet's antics could win glamping nights


At The Hits, we love it when a good idea comes together. We’re thrilled to be running “Laugh it off” with Vet Services Hawkes Bay. It’s been a tough year, and we know laughter is some of the best medicine, and there’s nothing funnier than stupid stuff your pet does right?

In fact, some pets are so funny there have been multiple TV shows about their antics. Funniest Home Videos back in the day almost always had an animal doing stupid stuff.

One of my favourite parts of having to sit through What Now is Backyard Olympics where children have to coax their pet around an obstacle course, it’s hilarious.

It appears Hawke’s Bay pets are hilarious too. You can enter your pet online, and so far we’ve had pets going through guests’ suitcases and pulling out their smalls and parading them around the house. There’s Ella the golden retriever who took off from her owner, and Irene van Dyk was walking past and gave chase to catch her. And one of my faves, Frank the dog who pooped in the showroom at Plumbing World.

Then, of course, there’s our cat, Big Fat Rosie. By day Big Fat Rosie is a purveyor of cosy blankets and sunny spots. By night BFR turns into a teenage mutant ninja fluffball that hunts out any washing that’s been left on the clothes horse overnight and brings it in.

Her favourite thing to stalk and bring in is underwear. And it doesn’t matter who they belong to, but she has found mine are too big and it’s exhausting to drag those around the house so she prefers little boys’ undies.

When I wake up in the morning to go to work I’m never quite sure if the underwear littering the floor are undies she has bought in, or the boys have just kicked them off and flicked them up in the air when they were getting changed into their PJs.

So if you’ve got a Big Fat Rosie, or a Frank the Plumbing World pooper, make sure you enter them on our Facebook page at The Hits Hawke’s Bay.

There are so many fab prizes to be won, including two glorious nights for two at Clifton Glamping.

— Megan Banks

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