Napier Courier

Coffee with a Councilllo­r


Keith Price was first elected to Napier City Council in 2007. This time the fifth term councillor is chairing the Sustainabl­e Napier committee, and is also a member of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy joint committee, Hawke's Bay Crematoriu­m and Port Noise Liaison committees. He holds the transporta­tion portfolio, which covers traffic management, transport connection, cycling, the Napier Port connection, and road safety and community engagement relating to transporta­tion.

Why did you become interested in Council?

I enjoy serving the public and that's what Council is about. I was a policeman for 28 years and then went into hospitalit­y. I talked to (then Councillor) Mark Herbert, who encouraged me to stand.

I've worked with three different mayors over the years. Every one has a different style, but I have to say it feels in this latest term that we're sharing more with the public. The Annual Plan process just recently is a good example. It was really well run.

What would you like to share about yourself?

I was born in Hastings, then went to Frasertown and Gisborne, attending Gisborne Boys High. I joined the police in Gisborne, and in those days you had to go to Wellington if you wanted to train to be a detective. I was involved with the Teresa Cormack case, from the day she went missing until the day her killer was arrested – 14 years.

I spent my last year on the force as a Detective Sergeant in Upper Hutt.

After retiring from the police I became involved with the Brazen Head and Thirsty Whale establishm­ents - hard work, but good.

My youngest is involved in basketball and I've been involved with the sport for five years, for the last year as chair of Basketball HB. I'm still a rugby man though.

What do you enjoy about living in Napier?

It's home, I don't think I could live anywhere else. You can't beat the weather, and I have lots of friends and family here.

What’s something people may not know about you?

I would say really I'm an open book. People will never wonder what I'm thinking as I generally say it.

What do you wish you had more time for?

Just for living life. This term of Council, we're certainly doing more hours than we used to.

Favourite coffee?

Long black.

Are you a dog or cat person?

Dog. We have two caboodles (poodle & King Charles Cavalier spaniel cross) named Beaudie and Charlie, after Beauden Barrett and Charlie Faumuina.

 ??  ?? Keith Price – Councillor.
Keith Price – Councillor.

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