Napier Courier

Simple Tasty Inspiring


JAMIE OLIVER is back with newachieva­ble, exciting and tasty recipes. He's done his homework and looked at the top ingredient­swebuy week in, week out. We're talking about thosemeal stapleswe all pick up on autopilot - chicken breasts, salmon fillets, mince, eggs, potatoes, broccoli....

We're all busy, but that shouldn't stop us from having a tasty, nutritious meal. So, rather than trying to change whatwebuy, Jamie wants to give everyone newinspira­tion for their favourite ingredient­s, the kind of things you can pick up in any supermarke­t.

His latest book7Waysd­oes just that. Here is a recipe from the book:

EASIESTBRO­CCOLI QUICHE Redpesto-layered filo, Cheddar& cottage cheese Total time: 1 hour 20 minutes; Serves: 6


1headof broccoli (375g) 6large free-range eggs 1heaped teaspoon English

mustard 300gcottag­e cheese 50gCheddar­cheese 3 tablespoon­s red pesto 270g filo pastry oliveoil


Preheat the oven to 180C. For the filling, trim the tough end off the broccoli stalk. Coarsely grate the remaining stalk, then break the florets apart. Lightly beat the eggs in a bowl, add the mustard, cottage cheese and grated broccoli stalk, grate in the Cheddar, add a pinch of sea salt and black pepper and mix together.

Loosen the pesto with 3 tablespoon­s ofwater.

Lay twosheets of pastry in an oiled loosebotto­med tart tin (25cm wide, 4cmdeep), overlappin­g them in the middle.

Brush all over with some of the pesto mixture, then repeat the layers until you've used up all the pastry, brushingwi­th pesto as you go. Roll and scrunch the filo in at the sides, like in the picture. Pour in the filling, then poke in the broccoli florets.

Place on a baking tray and cook at the bottom of the oven for 50 minutes, or until golden and set. Let it rest for 10minutes before tucking in.

ENERGY: 364kcal, FAT: 17.8g, SATFAT: 5.6g, PROTEIN: 22.6g, CARBS: 31.2g,

SUGARS: 4.8g, SALT: 1.8g, FIBRE: 4.6g.

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