Napier Courier

Water Projects


Low-Manganese Drinking Water

An important project to help keep Napier water clean and clear is complete. Bores at Awatoto have been tested, commission­ed and had their treatment plants installed so they can now be connected to the main drinking-water network. These bores are low in naturally-occurring manganese, which reacts with chlorine to discolour water.

Pandora Industrial Main Renewal

The Pandora industrial pipeline and has been out of operation for a number of years due to being blocked. It’s 8.6km long. This project aims to clean out the pipeline to bring it online by May 2023. Nearly 50% of the pipeline has been cleaned out, placing the project ahead of schedule. There will be a break in the cleaning operations for a few weeks so the ground can firm up before works continue along the Georges Drive drainage reserve.

Maraenui Storm Water Trunk Mains

This project aims to provide an upgraded public stormwater infrastruc­ture network to service the Maraenui area. The new stormwater network will help maintain the level of service within the catchment area during severe weather events. We have engaged a contractor to carry out the works with concept design currently being completed.

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