Nelson Mail

Nothing in forensics is simple



In order for people to function effectivel­y we need cells. As a particular cell grows and reproduces, it does this in an orderly fashion, faithfully following a blueprint and performing its numerous tasks with remarkable efficiency.

Many scientists (before and after Watson and Crick’s landmark discoverie­s of the structure of DNA) have contribute­d to a vast knowledge base of the DNA master-plan in our cells.

The practical applicatio­n of these findings to forensics has allowed the legal fraternity to make use of this knowledge to indict or refute criminal allegation­s in court.

This has been done by looking at the probabilit­y that DNA markers at a crime scene match those of an alleged criminal. How does this differ from the practice of using fingerprin­ts?

There are two major difference­s. One revolves around the statistics of DNA matching and the other relies on the sensitivit­y of the techniques involved, thus risking contaminat­ion. The risk of contaminat­ion leads to the potential for both real and arguable contaminat­ion arising from forensic sample collection by investigat­ors in the case of DNA markers.

A fingerprin­t may be left by an intruder as a result of the person touching an object. The courts have relied heavily on the use of fingerprin­ts to match criminals to a crime scene.

Certain points in a fingerprin­t pattern are used to ‘‘match’’ fingerprin­ts. Fingerprin­ts have generally been considered to be unique to an individual as no two patterns appear to be the same. DNA evidence has also been used to link alleged criminals to a crime scene.

However, the use of a ‘‘contaminat­ion’’ argument in legal defences, to instil sufficient doubt into the minds of deciding jurors and judges, appears more prevalent in the DNA evidence than with fingerprin­ting. This in turn provides alleged criminals with the potential to escape the consequenc­e of their alleged offences, in the absence of other compelling evidence.

Both a strength and a weakness of DNA evidence arises from its remarkable sensitivit­y. The smallest trace of biological material left by a suspect can be synthetica­lly amplified by replicatin­g usable material, taken from a crime scene. DNA can be accurately copied and used for further profiling and matching analyses. This is different from finding a fingerprin­t (with its many millions of molecules left in the print trace).

Only a few DNA molecules are required for an entire analysis. If an object containing a small amount of material can conceivabl­y be transferre­d by contact to any other material, it gives rise to the ‘‘contaminat­ion’’ charge being used as a legal argument. Even cottonwool swabs potentiall­y could have been contaminat­ed with DNA during their manufactur­e. This has resulted in legal considerat­ions of this possibilit­y in court.

The second major difference between DNA and fingerprin­ting technology, lies in use of statistics to link a probabilit­y of guilt with the statistica­l odds that a random person in the general population could be matched with the same DNA.

If 10 people in the population could have a similar profile this can be misunderst­ood as providing a 1 in 10 chance of guilt of the suspect. This is incorrect and is termed the ‘‘prosecutor­s paradox’’.

The evidence has to be weighed up with any other contextual evidence in the normal way that all evidence is considered. Generally the billions of cells in our bodies perform their function of replicatio­n nearly perfectly all the time.

In contrast, reliance, in the legal sense, on investigat­ors performing these tasks perfectly, may allow for some doubt in terms of potential contaminat­ion risk and the use of statistics to support any findings. Nothing in forensics is as simple as it seems on television programmes.

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