Nelson Mail

New lawyers show diversity


With three new lawyers admitted to the bar in Nelson, the diversity of the profession has grown.

Rory Hennessy, Kirsty Thompson and Tamara Ford were all admitted to the bar at a ceremony at the Nelson High Court on Thursday.

The admission to the bar was led by Justice Joseph Williams.

Hennessy’s applicatio­n was supported by his father, Stoke lawyer Kelly Hennessy.

Hennessy went to Nayland College but dropped out at age 15.

He went into law for the challenge and studied at both Canterbury and Victoria Universiti­es.

He was currently working as a business analyst in Wellington, and was looking to practice law next year, possibly in company law. He had worked with his father in the past, doing researchin­g and writing.

Kelly was proud of his son’s achievemen­t. They had both dropped out of school at young ages.

‘‘He achieved like I did against the odds, in spite of the education system sort of failing us really.’’

Ford and Thompson, both former Nelson College for Girls students, studied law together at Otago University.

Ford was interested in property law and was currently working with Gillespie Young Watson in Lower Hutt, She wanted to move back to Nelson eventually.

Athlete Kirsty Thompson was working in Nelson for her family’s property business.

She was looking at options to pursue her sporting career further, but was going to a conference in Melbourne on sports law.

While at Otago, she rowed with the internatio­nally successful Otago women’s rowing eight.

New Zealand Law Society Nelson branch president Rob Somerville welcomed the three on behalf of the Law Society. He said they showed the diversity in law.

Justice Williams also welcomed them to the profession and emphasised the importance of keeping a good reputation through their careers.

 ?? PHOTO: MARTIN DE RUYTER/FAIRFAX NZ ?? Lawyers Kirsty Thompson standing left, Rory Hennessy and Tamara Ford with their nominating lawyers Dean Russ, second from left, Kelly Hennessy and Pauline Shoemack at the ceremony admitting the lawyers to the bar.
PHOTO: MARTIN DE RUYTER/FAIRFAX NZ Lawyers Kirsty Thompson standing left, Rory Hennessy and Tamara Ford with their nominating lawyers Dean Russ, second from left, Kelly Hennessy and Pauline Shoemack at the ceremony admitting the lawyers to the bar.

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