Nelson Mail

Time to update the fashion rulebook


‘‘Why not always look fabulous? Fashion can empower you and dressing up will give you confidence,’’ he says.

But Smith believes it’s a personal thing. ‘‘I have no problem being over-dressed, but it would make many people feel selfconsci­ous. Dress to make yourself feel good.

‘‘That might include dressing to fit in.’’

Invest more in shoes and bags and less on trendy items

Smith advises buying ‘‘the best quality you can afford. Buy better, but buy less.’’

Ryan agrees with the principle of spending cautiously on oneseason wonders.

But Gage says that ‘‘mixing ‘high/low’ fashion is far more creative and lends to individual style’’.

The out-of-date rules: Shoes should match the bag

Not necessaril­y, says Ryan. ‘‘Black dress, black bag, orange shoes. Yay!’’

‘‘Opposites attract,’’ says Gage, a fan of mixing it up.

Sequins are only for evening

‘‘Wear them when and where it feels appropriat­e to you,’’ says Smith. Unless they are ‘‘rhinestone­s on mass,’’ Ryan also gives them the thumbs up.

Don’t wear minis past age 30

‘‘I’m against any rule that puts an age limit on clothes. The mutton/ lamb line is so insulting. What’s the men’s equivalent?’’ says Smith. ‘‘If your legs are your favourite body part, you should show them however and whenever it suits you.’’

Ryan’s mantra is to dress the body, not the age. ‘‘Just look at Jane Fonda in Grace & Frankie on Netflix. She’s 78 and looks amazing when she wears above-the-knee skirts with black hose.’’

Always take off one item before leaving the house

‘‘Wear it all and just own it,’’ says Smith. Ryan doesn’t bother with this either. ‘‘It only applies if you overdress, over style or overdo!’’ she says.

The new rules:

‘‘Trends come and go, but a welledited outfit with clean lines is forever chic,’’ says Gage.

Ryan’s mantra is ‘‘if in doubt – don’t.’’ ’’Good taste and a quality mirror always provide you with the answer,’’ she says.

 ??  ?? Style guru Paula Ryan’s mantra is, dress the body, not the age.
Style guru Paula Ryan’s mantra is, dress the body, not the age.

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