Nelson Mail

Vivaldi takes Nelson through Four Seasons in one day


Baroque music is coming to Nelson with a recital of Vivaldi’s famous Four Seasons.

Comprising five musicians, the tour has concerts in cathedrals and churches all over the South Island, including Christchur­ch and Dunedin.

Organiser Michelle Hurnik said all of the music was being played on period instrument­s, making the sound more ‘‘subtle and more direct’’.

The programme consists of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, Concerto Alla Rusitca RV 151, Triple Concerto RV 554a for violin, cello and harpsichor­d and Concerto in D major RV 121.

Two of the five musicians are from Europe; solo violinist Szabolcs Illes from Hungary and harpsichor­dist Edita Keglerova from the Czech Republic.

From Christchur­ch there is cellist Tomas Hurnik and violinist Jonathan Tanner and violist Shelley Wilkinson is from Auckland.

Hurnik said the musicians had studied baroque music and authentic interpreta­tion.

‘‘It’s just beautiful music, really gorgeous and the Four Seasons most people know.’’

The soloist for the evening is Illes, who studied with famous baroque violinists such as Enrico Gatti, Marinett Troost, Lucy van Dael and Simon Standage.

Since 2008, he has been a concertmas­ter of the Hof-Musici orchestra which is primarily working on the reconstruc­tion and presentati­on of baroque operas with authentic instrument­s, costumes and original settings.

Hurnik said all the concerts were held in churches and cathedrals to make the most of the sound with good acoustics.

‘‘What is special about New Zealand is that we have a cathedral with amazing sound in every place.

‘‘It’s lovely to pair up European music with the New Zealand architectu­re, and have it work so beautifull­y.’’

Vivaldi – Four Seasons presented by The Baroque Music Community and Educationa­l Trust of New Zealand at Nelson Christ Church Cathedral on February 19 at 2pm. Tickets $45 for adults, $35 for seniors, $20 for students and $5 for children.

 ??  ?? Solo violinist Szabolcs Illes from Hungary.
Solo violinist Szabolcs Illes from Hungary.

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