Nelson Mail

Bring on bylaw


Sanity prevails, at last - the Nelson Council are to introduce a bylaw to control free campers.

According to NCC figures, they have entertaine­d 3500 of these scroungers for free so far. If this refers to individual­s, then at the reduced rate of $10 offered by camp sites, that is at least $35,000 that has been lost to the local economy and this also presumes they stay only one night!

Next year, without a bylaw the figures are bound to be higher – so bring it on NCC. And voters of Nelson take note and lets have a council next time that lives in the real world and has a bit of backbone. No more seat polishers from ‘‘La-La Land’’ please. will confront them. Reading the article ‘‘Beware the next tech revolution’’ (Nelson Mail, February 9), one may wonder how the younger generation­s will respond. May they have the wisdom to make the right decisions. It is very important. And more is needed for that than participat­ion in the activities that Chris refers to.

Mindless obedience? Far from it. But all in due course. There are times when obedience is called for.

Why does Blackman mention those terrible things of the past? What have they to do with me? I hate bad behaviour. All my life I have endeavoure­d to follow the highest morals I knew of. And why waste time on people’s failings, anyway? Show you can do better! Life is not so simple. Many folk – especially in academia – have different views from me but they have not proved that their ideas lead to superior outcomes. (February 2 and 4). He says that all schizophre­nic people should be locked up in mental institutio­ns for life or live with supervisio­n for life, regardless of whether or not they are likely to commit a serious crime.

He also claims to have an understand­ing of sufferers. However, his understand­ing is poor because in practice very few schizophre­nics commit crime. I believe their crime rate is about the same as ‘‘normal’’ people.

Andy’s use of the murders are a cheap way of getting publicity for his hobby horse that old-style mental institutio­ns should never have been closed. I, for one, am glad they were. Doubtless we will hear lots more from Andy on the subject in the coming weeks if the inquiries into the murders are going to continue.

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