Nelson Mail

Scientists find a pregnant sea monster


specimen was the last lunch of the mother or its unborn baby,’’ said Jun Liu, a paleontolo­gist at the Hefei University of Technology in China.

‘‘Upon closer inspection and searching the literature, I realised that something unusual had been discovered.’’ Liu and his colleagues published their discovery recently in the journal Nature Communicat­ions.

Dinocephal­osaurus, which means ‘‘terrible-headed lizard’’ in honour of the toothy skull on the end of its skinny, 1.5-metre-long neck, was not, properly speaking, a dinosaur. It predated all but the earliest dinosaurs by several million years.

But it belonged to a group called archosauro­morphs, a branch that includes the animals which later became crocodiles, alligators, birds – and, yes, the dinos.

Although other sorts of reptiles were known to give birth to live young (some snakes and lizards allow their eggs to hatch inside their bodies, for instance, and the babies slither out fully-formed) it was assumed archosauro­morphs always laid eggs.

To determine that the tiny fossil bones were gestating, not digesting, Liu and his colleagues analysed the position of the embryo relative to the adult. Only a few bones of the embryo – bits of spine, forelimbs and some ribs – remained.

But despite the limited amount of fossilised evidence, scientists concluded it was of the same species as the adult, only smaller, about 12 per cent of the size of its mother.

Crucially, the embryo bones were aligned so that its body, though somewhat curved, would have pointed in the same direction as the adult’s. ‘‘The curled posture of the embryonic skeleton is also typical for vertebrate embryos,’’ Liu said.

They compared the forwardfac­ing embryo to the bones of an ancient perleidid fish, which had been preserved inside another rare dinocephal­osaurus fossil. The partially digested fish had been consumed so that its head was pointed toward the rear of the 4m aquatic predator.

‘‘The embryo is inside the rib cage of the mother, and it faces forward,’’ Liu said. ‘‘Swallowed animals generally face backward because the predator swallows its prey headfirst to help it go down its throat.’’ (The backward swallowing behaviour, face down the gullet, continues today.)

The ability to bear live young jibed with the concept of dinocephal­osaurus as a ‘‘fully marine reptile,’’ the scientists wrote. As aquatic reptiles cannot lay and incubate their eggs underwater, species like sea turtles must emerge on shore to lay eggs.

The shape of dinocephal­osaurus, with a neck taking up more than a third of its body length, would have been poorly suited for even those short land excursions.

The discovery demonstrat­ed that archosauro­morphs do not have an ancient genetic excuse for their lack of live births.

There are various hypotheses as to why living archosauro­morphs, such as birds, only lay eggs; these include the ‘‘biomechani­cal demands of flight,’’ as Liu and his colleagues noted.

But it appears that the question is no longer if archosauro­morphs can get pregnant – but, rather, why birds and their closest relatives do not.

 ??  ?? This artist’s impression of dinocephal­osaurus, a fish-eating reptile that lived about 245 million years ago, shows the rough position of the embryo within the mother.
This artist’s impression of dinocephal­osaurus, a fish-eating reptile that lived about 245 million years ago, shows the rough position of the embryo within the mother.

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