Nelson Mail

Trump’s lack of clarity on healthcare leaves Senate flounderin­g


UNITED STATES: US Senate Republican­s, scolded by President Donald Trump for failing to overturn Obamacare, tried to salvage their seven-year effort for a new healthcare law yesterday, but leading senators indicated frustratio­n over shifting goalposts.

Trump on Wednesday told the Senate’s fractured Republican majority to revive a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare that collapsed on Monday after Republican­s from both moderate and conservati­ve factions pulled their support.

But after a late-night emergency meeting on how to win over holdouts appeared to yield no progress, senators expressed irritation.

‘‘It really is starting to feel like a bazaar, $50 billion here, $100 billion there, and I feel like it’s losing coherency,’’ Senator Bob Corker said.

Susan Collins, a moderate who strongly objected to the revised bill, said Trump contribute­d to the ‘‘lack of clarity’’ over the next steps.

‘‘The president made very clear yesterday that he wants to see a bill passed,’’ Collins said. ‘‘I’m unclear, having heard the president and read his tweets, exactly which bill he wants to pass and whether he is for just repealing, or repealing and replacing — whether he’s for the Senate bill.’’

Trump, who had campaigned heavily on a promise to repeal and replace Obamacare, the signature legislativ­e achievemen­t of former Democratic President Barack Obama, took a hands-off approach to the healthcare debate last week.

On Tuesday he suggested that he was fine with letting Obamacare fail. But on Wednesday he switched course and demanded that senators stay in Washington through their planned August recess until they find common ground on healthcare.

The repeal and replace bill crafted by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell would leave 22 million Americans without health insurance coverage by 2026, the nonpartisa­n US Congressio­nal Budget Office said yesterday.

Before Trump’s Wednesday lunch with 49 Republican senators, McConnell had planned to hold a straight repeal vote next week, but that appeared doomed with several Republican senators having already said they oppose that approach.

The CBO said on Wednesday that 32 million more Americans would lose their insurance coverage by 2026 under a bill that would repeal much of Obamacare without a replacemen­t.

That compares with the 20 million who have become insured under Obamacare, as the Affordable Care Act is known. In a sign of the disarray on Capitol Hill, the Senate’s number two Republican, John Cornyn, said leaders still planned to have a procedural vote next week to take up a healthcare bill, but acknowledg­ed that knowing what is in the bill before the vote is ‘‘a luxury we don’t have.’’

Adding to Republican­s’ woes was news late Wednesday that Senator John McCain has aggressive brain cancer.

With a narrow 52-48 Republican majority, their fight for votes becomes even more difficult.

McCain, a Republican known for his feisty independen­ce, tweeted, ‘‘unfortunat­ely for my sparring partners in Congress, I’ll be back soon, so stand-by!’’.

Republican­s say Obamacare is a costly intrusion into the healthcare system, but the party is divided between moderates concerned the Senate bill would eliminate insurance for millions of lowincome Americans and conservati­ves who want to see even deeper cuts.

McConnell revealed little of his next steps but said Republican­s were not giving up. ‘‘The fight to move beyond the status quo of Obamacare was certainly never going to be easy,’’ he told the Sen- ate yesterday. ‘‘But we’ve come a long way, and I look forward to continuing our work together to finally bring relief.’’

The dramatic week at Congress and in the White House was taking its toll.

‘‘I’m getting a little anxious,’’ Corker said.

He said the best approach would be a repeal, with a delayed effective date by which time lawmakers could develop a replacemen­t.

Democrats, who are united in their opposition to the Republican efforts and reveled in this week’s deadlock, told Republican­s to abandon their healthcare efforts as they appeared no closer to reconcilin­g policy difference­s after Wednesday’s meeting.

‘‘It’s time for Congress to pivot away from the bills that are going nowhere,’’ said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. — Reuters

 ?? PHOTO: REUTERS ?? US President Donald Trump participat­es in a strength vial test during an event on pharmaceut­ical glass manufactur­ing yesterday. The strength of his leadership remains sorely tested as the Senate fights over how to salvage healthcare reform.
PHOTO: REUTERS US President Donald Trump participat­es in a strength vial test during an event on pharmaceut­ical glass manufactur­ing yesterday. The strength of his leadership remains sorely tested as the Senate fights over how to salvage healthcare reform.

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