Nelson Mail

Funding contract terminated for Nelson general practice

- SAMANTHA GEE 6,7 World 10,11 Business 13,14 Weekend 18 Puzzles

A Nelson GP practice has had its funding for patients cut.

Nelson Bays Primary Health terminated its contract with central Nelson practice Collingwoo­d Health after it failed to meet standards set by the Royal New Zealand College of General Practition­ers.

Nelson Bays Primary Health (NBPH) chief executive Angela Francis said the contract was terminated on August 8 after the practice failed to meet the RNZCGP Foundation standards within the timeframe required.

‘‘It is disappoint­ing to have to do this, and many reminders and offers of support were made to the practice over the past 18 months, but the standards are very clear,’’ Francis said.

‘‘NBPH has been in touch with the practice’s patients, to ensure their healthcare needs are met and that they understand their options. If they choose to enrol elsewhere we will support them with this.’’

She said the notice of terminatio­n was given after many reminders over 18 months.

Patients were sent a letter by NBPH on August 15 that said its action might have an impact on the fees charged to patients.

Francis said the organisati­on was committed to safe patient care.

‘‘Our role is to ensure quality and accreditat­ion standards are in place across all of the general practices we contract to provide essential primary care in our communitie­s.’’

There are 25 general practices in the region and the other 24 practices had achieved foundation certificat­ion.

NBPH was no longer working with Collingwoo­d Health and an independen­t assessor was working independen­tly to achieve certificat­ion.

Collingwoo­d Health practice manager Katherine Hellyer said despite the contract being terminated, there would be no impact on patients and consul- tation fees would not change.

The costs would be covered by other funding streams from the Ministry of Health and absorbed by the practice.

She said there had been no discussion with NBPH before the contract was cancelled.

‘‘The first we knew they were cancelling the contract was when they cancelled it.’’

The practice was ‘‘on track’’ to achieving its foundation certificat­ion and Hellyer expected that to happen within a ‘‘very short timeframe’’.

‘‘We are in the process of achieving it and have other reassessme­nts booked.’’

A number of patients had contacted the practice after receiving the letter and most had been sup- portive of the situation. ‘‘ We understand that they are a little upset, it is a disconcert­ing letter to receive and we are just reassuring them it is business as normal.’’

Ministry of Health manager Andy Inder said from July 2014 the national contract between district health boards and primary health organisati­ons included the achievemen­t of the RNZCGP foundation standard.

The foundation standard represents the legal, profession­al, and regulatory requiremen­ts for general practice. General practices were given two years, until July 1, 2016 to comply, then this was extended to July 1, 2017.

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