Nelson Mail

Tale of two citizens


citizenshi­p here too, whether or not he knows about it, let alone wants it.

Technicall­y this could mean not only that Joyce loses his representa­tive status, but also that this would deprive the Government of its majority.

That is by no means a given, for the very good reason that to invoke the rule would be a decision better suited to a Pharisee than a democratic representa­tive who has the rights of Australian electors in mind.

But then it’s far from ideal, either, that lawmakers are effectivel­y required to regard their own constituti­on with one eye closed and head askance, in order to find a more sane way of seeing things than the obvious and, at the time, intentiona­l one.

For his part, Joyce has fingered NZ Labour’s Chris Hipkins as the one who landed him in it. Hipkins, having spoken to an Australian Labor party insider, raised the question in our Parliament about whether someone whose father is a New Zealander is automatica­lly a citizen.

It was a general question and Hipkins can try to portray it as motivated by curiosity at the New Zealand end of things, but there’s little point denying he was being clever-clever.

So now it’s simultaneo­usly true that Joyce is thinking ‘‘thanks a bunch’’ and Hipkins is on the naughty spot with his own party leader, not to mention Prime Minister Bill English, for his meddlesome ways, even though the Department of Internal Affairs acknowledg­es it was Australian media interest, not the airy wonderings of young Hipkins, that prompted its investigat­ion into Joyce’s status.

New Zealanders, meanwhile, mightn’t like the idea that citizenshi­p to our country attaches to people whose hearts lie elsewhere, regardless of how they might feel about it. As if it’s junk mail that cannot be returned.

So could there not be a ‘‘thanks anyway’’ opt-out provision?

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