Nelson Mail

Grateful to be here


Sixteen months on, Dan reflects on what should have been a simple journey home. He has a rod and pins in his thigh, still has physiother­apy for his crushed foot, and has to have his fractured wrist fused. His hand injury makes simple things like writing, riding a bike and mowing the lawns difficult.

But he says his ‘‘main sentiment is gratefulne­ss for mostly just being alive. Also just the incredible amount of help and support we have got right from the moment of the tragedy.’’

Gratitude is also Andrea’s overriding emotion, despite the mental, emotional and physical toll on the family. ‘‘I’m incredibly thankful they are both alive. In that split second I thought I had lost them both.

‘‘I would rather have Andre the way he is than not at all and I would certainly rather have my husband alive. Our job now is to make the best of it.’’

She is also grateful for the support they have received, from her sister Vicki who stayed with her for three weeks in Wellington; from other family members and friends, and for the ongoing medical care.

Andre thankfully seems to have processed the trauma from the accident and is back to his happy, cheerful self. On the couch between his parents he says only that: ‘‘My head was sore’’.

Then he returns to a patch of sun in the lounge to make his favourite Toy Story puzzle.

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