Nelson Mail

Farewell for beloved but grumpy town cat

- Jess Gibson

She might be gone but Tiger Lily, Mapua’s adorably grumpy cat, will soon be getting a fond farewell at the local pub.

The tabby cat, who died in May, would roam around the village between shops and houses for naps, food and cuddles every day. She was known to be a bit grumpy in her old age, but was always happy to say hello and let people give her a pat.

It was unclear as to how Tiger Lily claimed the whole town as her home rather than settling to one household, but it was clear that the people had adopted her as family.

The 19-year-old cat had lived in Mapua Village for her entire life and was owned by no one and everyone. She was loved by many and described as ‘‘iconic’’ within the community.

Locals will get together at the Sprig and Fern tavern to celebrate the life of Tiger Lily, who passed away in May.

Wendy Perry became ‘‘town mum’’ to Tiger Lily after she moved to Mapua 17 years ago. Perry was always on top of Tiger Lily’s wellbeing, and set up a vet fund tin at Perry’s Auto Services. Residents and passers-by helped fund Tiger Lily’s long battle with arthritis with donations, but she eventually died after becoming sick.

Perry said Tiger Lily had three beds in the Village – one at her house, one at Perry’s Auto Services and one under Zoom hair salon.

‘‘She’s just a cat that’s been here forever,’’ Perry said. ‘‘She was so important to the village that we thought we’d get together and have some drinks for her.’’

Owner of Perry’s Auto Services Chris Atkins will also be attending next week’s celebratio­n of Tiger Lily’s life and said he expects that many will do the same.

‘‘It will be a full house, she used to go to the Sprig and Fern and hang out with all the punters.’’

Atkins was another long-time friend of Tiger Lily’s, and said it was a privilege to be involved with her.

‘‘We took over Perry’s in 2000 and she pretty much came with the business, she used to wait at the door for one of the workers to open up every morning.’’

The celebratio­n of Tiger Lily’s life will be held at the Mapua Sprig and Fern Tavern on Aranui Rd, June 24 at 3.30pm.

 ??  ?? Tiger Lily lived in Mapua Village for the whole of her 19 years, and claimed the entire town as home.
Tiger Lily lived in Mapua Village for the whole of her 19 years, and claimed the entire town as home.

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