Nelson Mail




1. An emperor’s top cover for a garden plant (5,8) 9. He sings to his love a little late in the day (9) 10. I am here and Maud’s out (5) 11. Domestic fixtures come in single figures (5) 12. Toeing of the religious party line (9) 13. They help one to breathe and learn his variations (8) 15. Horn-hound (6) 18. Right hand mobs making lozenges (6) 20. Place of bliss father may have been raised to (8) 23. For a time, stops at home with Mister T maybe (9) 24. Is quick on Sabbath if one doesn’t eat (5) 25. BAA is table-turning (5) 26. A rich lamé made of soft material (5,4) 27. It is sort of Gothic, straight up (13)


1. Supplier of stage clothes has one customer to sort out (9) 2. It is monstrous, the giro he’s written out (7) 3. Figures to be dressed up to (5) 4. From dire, come to be just average (8) 5. Publisher’s slips may be corrected at rear (6) 6. She is loved, by man, to air a change (9) 7. Object to being taught them? (7) 8. Feint of passing an exposed hand (5) 14. He frees a WW2 bomber (9) 16. Terra sure supplies the person with the money (9) 17. Roads men take to be paid for release (8) 19. It may be up to ale to make one jump farther (7) 21. It is still an awkward way to put one in office (7) 22. It goes round the seats in a theatre (6) 23. Make me bid and I’ll settle you snugly in (5) 24. Sort of acid oil used in a football club (5)

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