Nelson Mail

Report targets family violence

- Stacey Kirk

The negative impacts of abuse in childhood are well understood, but still they are allowed to fester and chase too many into adulthood, says a major new discussion document on family violence.

It will continue to be a problem while early warning signs in children and families are going unheeded, says the Justice Sector’s chief science adviser Dr Ian Lambie, in his report titled Every four minutes: a discussion paper on preventing family violence in New Zealand. It is the third in a series of papers looking at the factors contributi­ng to NZ’s high incarcerat­ion rate.

‘‘Family violence is clearly a solvable problem,’’ he says.

The paper lays out a series of priority strategies for reducing family violence, which are set to feed into the Government’s new national strategy and action plan on family violence and sexual violence, which is currently being developed.

At the top, broadening the public’s and profession­al sector’s understand­ing of the effects of adverse childhood experience­s to drive ‘‘community-wide commitment to early prevention and interventi­on’’.

While work to develop a complex set of predictor tools has been under way for years, many of the indicators linked to family violence were well-known. Problem drinking and gambling, financial pressure, intergener­ational harm and education are all linked to an increased likelihood of family violence.

However, it is the statistics that are known to policymake­rs, but perhaps not widely acknowledg­ed by the public, that are letting cases fall through the cracks.

At least one-third of New Zealand women experience physical or sexual intimate partner violence in their lifetime, and that jumps to more than half of all women when the definition of violence is widened to include psychologi­cal or emotional abuse.

‘‘We simply do not act effectivel­y on early signs of harm and risk. This is a waste of human potential and a failure to use science to take action,’’ the document says.

Evidence showed wider violence could be prevented by wider social understand­ing of the importance of childhood and reduce adverse experience­s in a child’s life.

‘‘Many frontline staff know what is needed, but have caseloads that make effective, long-term collaborat­ive work impossible, lost in a welter of short-term crisis management and ‘one size fits all’ interventi­ons.’’

The discussion paper was launched at an event at Parliament, and received by Justice Under-Secretary on Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence Issues Jan Logie.

She said the report would make a ‘‘significan­t contributi­on’’ to the Government strategy and she hoped Budget 2019 would hold some of the funding required.

‘‘This is preventabl­e, we are not born with this violence. If we join together and our actions reflect what we know works, we can turn this round.’’

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