Nelson Mail

Media must do better to avoid claims of bias

- Karl du Fresne

Whenever I read something about Donald Trump, my eyes go straight to the credit line at the bottom of the story to see where it came from. If it’s sourced from the Washington Post or the New York Times, I read it with a degree of scepticism. These once-great newspapers have dangerousl­y compromise­d their credibilit­y by allowing their almost obsessive dislike of the American president to contaminat­e their reportage.

This is made worse by their tendency to allow fact and opinion to become so entangled that it’s hard to tell where one ends and the other starts. It’s open season on Trump, and many American journalist­s make it clear that they despise him.

I understand why they feel that way. I despise Trump, too, and worry about the damage his presidency might do to America and to the world. He’s a man who appears to have no moral compass and no respect for the truth.

He has also, consciousl­y and deliberate­ly, made an enemy of the media. The terrible mistake made by news organisati­ons such as the Washington Post and the New York Times is that they have been suckered into playing his game.

There is always tension in the relationsh­ip between politician­s and journalist­s, but it’s usually kept under control by both sides. Not so with Trump. He has weaponised public distrust of the media in much the same way as Robert Muldoon did in New Zealand 40 years ago.

Trump knows, as Muldoon did, that it can be politicall­y advantageo­us to portray the media as biased and elitist. He plays this political card more blatantly and unscrupulo­usly than even Muldoon did, repeatedly branding the American media as the enemy of the people.

Sadly, by buying into the adversaria­l relationsh­ip and adopting an openly hostile stance towards the White House, the media have perversely enhanced Trump’s political capital. He can point to their antagonist­ic coverage as proof that the liberal media can’t be trusted to report things fairly and accurately. This played well to his supporters on the campaign trail in 2016, and it continues to play well now.

And it has to be said that many journalist­s are elitist and out of touch – especially in the US, where the big media organisati­ons are headquarte­red far from the neglected heartland where Trump’s support base is located. That helps to explain why the media so dismally failed to foresee Trump’s victory in the presidenti­al election.

The best counter to Trump’s game, surely, is to do what reputable newspapers used to do as a matter of course: play it straight.

This doesn’t preclude journalist­s from documentin­g inconsiste­ncies and obvious untruths, or from reporting the turmoil created by Trump’s erratic behaviour. Neither does it stop columnists and editorial writers from expressing themselves freely in opinion sections.

But tone is everything, and what passes for news coverage in papers like the Washington Post and the New York Times is often freighted with emotive rhetoric and laced with the reporter’s obvious contempt. In those circumstan­ces, even readers who dislike Trump are entitled to wonder whether they are getting a reliable, unbiased account, or whether the media are reporting only what happens to align with their perception.

All of this leads me, in a roundabout way, to last month’s declaratio­n by Patrick Crewdson, editor-inchief of Stuff, that his organisati­on will no longer give space to the views of people classified as climate change sceptics and ‘‘denialists’’.

OK, the parallel with Trump isn’t obvious, but Stuff’s stance does raise a serious question relating to trust in the media. When a news organisati­on decides to shut down comment on an issue as important as climate change on the basis that the debate is ‘‘settled’’, it assumes a position of omniscienc­e that will rankle with many readers. But far more importantl­y, it raises doubts in readers’ minds about its commitment to free and open debate.

I would have thought the media faced enough challenges in the current environmen­t without incurring accusation­s of elitist bias. That threatens to take us into Trump territory, and who wants to go there?

Trump knows . . . that it can be politicall­y advantageo­us to portray the media as biased and elitist.

Editor’s note: Stuff has not shut down discussion on climate change, but we will not provide a forum for its factual existence to be countered with fictions and call it ‘‘balance’’. This is in line with our masthead’s longstandi­ng editorial policy to only publish correspond­ence and opinions from readers and contributo­rs that are based on fact.

 ?? AP ?? By buying into the adversaria­l relationsh­ip and adopting an openly hostile stance towards the White House, the American media have perversely enhanced Donald Trump’s political capital.
AP By buying into the adversaria­l relationsh­ip and adopting an openly hostile stance towards the White House, the American media have perversely enhanced Donald Trump’s political capital.
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