Nelson Mail




1. In which characters do for numbers what Arab leg breaks (7) 5. Farewell to the benevolent extra at cricket (7)

9. The Great Tsar’s thigh: that’s material (9)

10. A characteri­stic acid includes one returning (5)

11. Went on to say how one did one’s sums (5)

12. Coach reverses golfer’s attitude of solid worth (9)

13. He applies the throttle to fatal effect (9)

16. Close the characters to form plinth at foot of column (5) 17. Lift one with laudation that hasn’t been begun (5) 18. Where one lives with need, cries brokenly (9)

20. When the Bard’s Dream mimes drum, somehow (9)

23. In a way, ran to cut off the paper boss (5)

25. Right to be taken in by illicit ticket-seller? That’s fishy! (5) 26. A lad of tender years: the rest is confused (9)

27. He swindles her initially, with disturbing result (7) 28. Relations being relaxed, made ten teams include it (7)


1. It seems Dad is given over to more than one Conference (7) 2. Georgia: Edward has been confined to college! (5) 3. Country movement and music can be darn awkward (4,5) 4. What gardener doesn’t want is mishap to begin with (5) 5. Pheasant, partridge, plucky cocks and hens (4-5)

6. Eight people playing company up test the South out (5) 7. Having a mind to analyse the EEG (5-4)

8. The outermost part of the text remembered (7) 14. ‘Shower components’ tunefully keep falling on my head (9) 15. He has his show in London, Larry, with mood that changes (4,5)

16. Incidental illustrati­on of team, blue as Cambridge? (9) 17. Second sporting encounter giving Sappers a light (7) 19. One’s red, confused, so will give it one’s backing (7) 21. To such time as it turns up within unless halved (5) 22. The single piece of ammunition a postman may have (5) 24. Climber’s stanchion gives not a hint of being overturned (5)

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