Nelson Mail

Thought for today

Beth McCarthy Takaka, January 7 Dan McGuire Nelson Residents’ Associatio­n Nelson, January 10

- ‘‘To live happily is an inward power of the soul.’’ Marcus Aurelius

Tasman water quality

Tasman District Council has released figures for the 2017-18 swimabilit­y of our district’s waterways. Not a pretty picture.

Compliance is down from 98.6 per cent in 2016-17 to 94 per cent. The Long Term Plan target is 98 per cent.

Between November 2017 and April 2018, 67 exceedance­s of national standards for faecal bacteria and nutrient levels were discovered at swimming sites – 28 alert/amber, 39 alarm/red.

During that period, Tukurua Stream, flowing through Tukurua Beach, registered seven alarm/ reds. TDC responded by reinstalli­ng a warning sign at a swimming hole in the stream. Trevor James (TDC resource scientist) recommende­d that no further action be taken ‘‘for this one small stream’’ considerin­g ‘‘all the other waterways and issues in the district’’.

The $7 million gifted to TDC by the Government’s Freshwater Improvemen­t Fund would have been useful in investigat­ing, monitoring and cleaning these waterways. Sadly, it will buy concrete for the Waimea dam, with the unproven claim of improving only the Waimea River.

We also hear about the good work undertaken by most farmers to keep stock effluent out of our streams. Please extend this, by pressurisi­ng those minority cowboys in your industry to do likewise.

Good luck, swimmers, wherever you are in our district.

Welcome fountain

While out running this morning, I received such a wonderful surprise.

My circuit included the Tamaki Steps, which is a really good workout for young and old. On reaching the top with all 364 steps behind me, I did a double-take to view a drinking fountain – such a welcoming sight on a really warm day.

After hydrating, I set off to complete the remainder of my run, and the water made my task so much easier.

Such an asset will be appreciate­d by all the folk who enjoy healthy activities, and some may no longer need to carry a drink bottle with them.

A big thanks to the person who had the vision, and the fountain installed at such a brilliant location.

Grant Derecourt

Nelson, January 8

Council spending

The statements by the Nelson mayor extolling the value of events like the recent rugby game (Nelson Mail, January 9) overlook the cost to ratepayers of these events.

The rugby game cost Nelson ratepayers close to $1 million. There are costs for other events that council has not declared.

Essentiall­y, private concerns are being paid from ratepayer money to bring these events to Nelson.

The mayor has suggested that numerous other such events should be brought here. The mayor campaigned on fiscal restraint. Instead, the focus has been to spend money to benefit elite groups.

Nelson City Council simply cannot spend more and more each year to benefit friends of council and their friends, when the city has a backlog of over $40 million in costs to maintain essential infrastruc­ture like stormwater, sewerage and roads.

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