Nelson Mail

Wine venture blends diverse talents


young family had their own space . . . so we went looking for a new home for Robyn, Gareth and Florence.

‘‘We had looked at everything, including olive groves, but we had driven past this property a lot and were really drawn to it.’’

But it didn’t take long for the family to realise they were going to have to put a lot of time into the vineyard so, almost by default, Gareth has become a viticultur­ist. Just before last vintage, their first, Gareth took over as the vineyard manager with lots of help.

The former viticultur­ist, Steve Fox, knew the vineyard well, ‘‘so we begged and pleaded with him to help us,’’ says Victoria.

Gareth says Alex from Tasman Crop has also been really helpful. ‘‘We have found the whole industry is full of people who are happy to give some time to point you in the right direction, very helpful with advice.

‘‘Brightwate­r Vineyards will be making most of our wines this year, and they have been fantastic with advice and help, while Neil and Emma at Kahurangi have also been very generous with help.’’

Before I talked with the partners, I had a sneaky drive through the vineyard and stopped to taste grapes from the vines, and I must say the focus they have on quality shows in the beautiful flavours of the fruit.

I have also tasted the wines from their first vintage, and you will find tasting notes for those on my new website They are all delicious, but check out the St Pauli rose in particular – it is fantastic.

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