Nelson Mail

Options to break the deadlock


It is described by constituti­onal experts as the ‘‘nuclear’’ option. Ministers are considerin­g asking the Queen to bring Parliament to an early close after the Speaker threatened to block the Prime Minister from holding a vote on her Brexit deal.

Robert Buckland, the Solicitor General, suggested that the Government was considerin­g asking the Queen to ‘‘prorogue’’ Parliament, bringing the current session to an early end.

The approach would require a new Queen’s Speech for the reopening of Parliament before holding the third meaningful vote in a new session.

A second option would be to introduce new legislatio­n to implement Brexit with a clause overriding the need for a meaningful vote. However the approach would carry a high risk, as losing would kill the deal outright.

The Government’s third option is to try to prove to the Speaker that it is the ‘‘will of the House’’ to have a vote on her deal. Again, risky and Bercow could chose to ignore it.

Another option would be to attempt to remove Bercow as Speaker using a motion of no confidence. However, given the fact that both Tory Brexiteers seeking substantia­l changes to the deal and Labour Remainers support Bercow’s interventi­on, such a move is unlikely to be successful.

– Telegraph Group

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