Nelson Mail

Lucky escape for trampers

- Tim Newman

A Golden Bay family had a lucky escape after getting lost on a tramp in Kahurangi National Park, with a slim bar of cellphone reception allowing them to make an emergency call.

An adult and three children, aged 5, 7 and 11, had been on a day trip in the hills behind Onekaka. Tasman Police Search and Rescue officer Sergeant Malcolm York said they set out on Tuesday morning but got lost after taking a wrong turn.

York said the family unsuccessf­ully tried throughout the day to get themselves out of the thick bush. ‘‘They were very challengin­g conditions, and once it gets dark it’s very hard to move.’’

They ‘‘very luckily’’ managed to find a small amount of cellphone reception, calling 111 at 5.25pm. Police were able to track their GPS location to bush next to Ironstone Creek, York said.

Police arrived at the scene around 5.50pm, and the group were found safe and well by 7.30pm, with a search team able to get near their location by accessing a 4WD track several hundred metres away.

Apart from the party being ‘‘incredibly cold’’, there were no injuries to anyone, York said.

‘‘It was a nice clear night, but because of that, the weather got very cold – they were not expecting to be spending a night outside.’’

York said anyone planning a trip outdoors during the school holidays needed to be prepared to look after themselves.

He said trampers should take extra clothes with them, let people know where they were planning to go, and rent or buy a personal locator beacon in case they did get into trouble.

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