Nelson Mail

It’s Alien, but with submarines


Review Underwater (R13, 95 mins) Directed by William Eubank Reviewed by Graeme Tuckett ★★

It seems to me that nostalgia runs on around a 30-year cycle. Every generation, finding themselves middle-aged, declining in energy and maybe with a bit of spare in the wallet, starts to get all misty-eyed about whatever music and movies they liked most in their teens and early20s. Thirty-odd years before.

Which explains a great deal of New Zealand radio programmin­g, and maybe, why a horror movie about a sea creature attacking an underwater base has suddenly shown up in our cinemas, almost exactly 30 years after The Abyss, Deep Star 6 and Leviathan (all 1989) were cluttering up the nascent multiplexe­s of our fair land

Or, to put it another way, you wait ages for a decent movie about sea monsters to show up. And then one completely fails to show up.

Which is a shame, because Underwater does tick a lot of boxes. The plot? Just think ‘‘Alien, but with submarines’’. Sorted.

Kristen Stewart is an actor I respect very much. Apart from the Twilight franchise – which at least has made her richer than a minor go, and thus able to turn down any film she doesn’t want to do – Stewart has been good-to-great across a range of roles.

From being Jodie Foster’s daughter in Panic Room to a superb title role in Seberg (opening next week in New Zealand), Stewart has been a consistent­ly unflashy, but rock-solid performer, as long as she’s cast in the right material.

But in Underwater, a film that shouldn’t aspire to be anything more than dumb fun, Stewart is far too cerebral and detached.

Around Stewart, Vincent Cassel (Black Swan), Jessica Henwick (Iron Fist) and a cast of several, are all fine, right up until the water, or the monsters, do them in.

Underwater does a lot of things right. And some individual sequences do look astonishin­g – cinematogr­apher Bojan Bazelli is an industry legend – but this is mostly a muddled, rushed and over-complicate­d thrash at a genre that needs clear and concise storytelli­ng to really work.

You wait ages for a decent movie about sea monsters to show up. And then one completely fails to show up.

 ??  ?? Kristen Stewart is far too cerebral and detached in Underwater.
Kristen Stewart is far too cerebral and detached in Underwater.

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