Nelson Mail

A New Ireland?

- Gwynne Dyer

Few of the people who voted for Sinn Fe´ in cared much about the North, or unificatio­n, or any of that old stuff. They voted for Sinn Fe´ in because they were fed up with high rents, housing shortages and long hospital waiting lists.

Bertie Ahern, who was the taoiseach (prime minister) of the Irish Republic from 1997 to 2008, was a brilliant machine politician, not a nationalis­t or an ideologist. In fact, if you said the word ‘‘principle’’ in his presence, he might have to look up the meaning.

But here’s what he said after the Sinn Fe´ in Party came first in last Saturday’s Irish election.

‘‘I think a border poll (on the unificatio­n of the Republic and Northern Ireland, which is currently part of the United Kingdom) is inevitable. If you ask me when that is, I think it’s probably five years off at least . . . but it will be inevitable over this decade.’’

Are we about to see the final, peaceful solution to the 400-year-old ‘‘Irish problem’’?

Not necessaril­y, but the long, frozen stability of Irish politics both north and south of the border is definitely dissolving.

In Northern Ireland, the Catholics have finally achieved the ‘‘revenge of the cradle’’, displacing the Protestant­s as the majority population – at a time when, coincident­ally, the turmoil of Brexit is making all the old certaintie­s about the province’s ties to the UK open to question.

In the south, independen­t from the UK for a century and home to almost three-quarters of the island’s 6.6 million people, almost everybody is of Catholic heritage and matters have long seemed more settled.

Politics was dominated by two centre-right parties, Fianna Fa´ il and Fine Gael, neither of which gave more than lip-service to the notion of unificatio­n with the North.

In these circumstan­ces Sinn Fe´ in, an all-Ireland leftist and nationalis­t party that operated as the political front of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) during the Troubles, had little attraction for voters in the Republic. It was Northern-dominated and linked to terrorism, and both of the major parties in Dublin refused to have anything to do with it.

And now, suddenly, Sinn Fe´ in ends up with more votes than any other party in the Republic. What happened?

This political revolution is NOT driven by Irish nationalis­m. Few of the people who voted for Sinn Fe´ in cared much about the North, or unificatio­n, or any of that old stuff.

They voted for Sinn Fe´ in because they were fed up with high rents, housing shortages and long hospital waiting lists.

Their only alternativ­e was to vote for the same two old parties that have been passing power back and forth for a hundred years, so they ignored Sinn Fe´ in’s IRA links and voted for it anyway.

Those links recently became easier to ignore because Gerry Adams, Sinn Fe´ in’s leader for 35 years and simultaneo­usly a senior officer in the IRA (though he always denied it) finally retired in 2018. His successor, Mary Lou McDonald, definitely has no blood on her hands, and she was born in the Republic, not in the North. She’s voterfrien­dly, not scary, and she got the votes.

Irish politics is clearly now a three-horse race, in the sense that Sinn Fe´ in, Fianna Fa´ il and Fine Gael each got between 21 per cent and 25 per cent of the vote. But that leaves each of them with fewer than half the seats they would need for a majority in the Da´ il (parliament).

Prospects for viable coalition-making were looking grim after the election, with both traditiona­l major parties saying they would never enter a coalition with Sinn Fe´ in. The only viable alternativ­e was yet another deal between the two traditiona­l major parties – but that is what the voters had just revolted against.

Now it’s looking a little saner, with Michea´ l Martin of Fianna Fa´ il saying that he’s open to talks with Sinn Fe´ in. But the sheer tribal truculence of Irish politics is embodied in the very names of the Republic’s major parties: ‘‘Ourselves Alone’’ (Sinn Fe´ in), ‘‘Tribe of the Irish’’ (Fine Gael), and ‘‘Soldiers of Destiny’’ (Fianna Fa´ il ).

It will therefore take some time to make a deal, but one will be reached eventually, and it will probably include a place for Sinn Fe´ in.

Mary Lou McDonald, Sinn Fe´ in’s leader, said it plainly – ‘‘We are going to have a unity referendum’’ – and Fintan O’Toole, the best Irish political commentato­r of his generation, explained what that means in his column in the Irish Times.

‘‘(The voters) have gone where they were warned not to go,’’ he wrote, ‘‘and in doing so they have redrawn the map of Irish politics to include territory previously marked ‘Here Be Dragons’.’’

 ?? AP ?? Sinn Fein leader Mary Lou McDonald is voter-friendly, not scary, and she got the votes, while Fianna Fa´il’s Michea´l Martin says he’s open to talks with Sinn Fe´in.
AP Sinn Fein leader Mary Lou McDonald is voter-friendly, not scary, and she got the votes, while Fianna Fa´il’s Michea´l Martin says he’s open to talks with Sinn Fe´in.
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