Nelson Mail

Will peppermint-flavour stop kea eating 1080 bait?


Department of Conservati­on scientists are testing whether mint-flavoured and nauseating bird repellents help stop curious kea interactin­g with 1080 baits, which are meant to protect them from predators. The newresearc­h, funded by DOC and agricultur­e disease management company OSPRI, is trialling whether two substances help stop kea interactin­g with 1080 baits in Canterbury’s Arthur’s Pass – while still luring in predators. Kea are considered nationally endangered, with anywhere between 1000 and 5000 birds left. The birds are a taonga species for Ngāi Tahu and Ngā iwi o Te Tau Ihu, but are at serious risk from predators like stoats, possums and feral cats. Researcher­s have completed trials with a peppermint-flavoured additive in non-toxic cereal baits at 18 alpine sites.

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