Nelson Mail

Quick quiz:


1. Ursine is a word that relates to which animals?

2. What would you do with lutefisk? a) eat it, b) sculpt it, c) listen to it

3. Joanie Loves Chachi was a 1982 spin-off series of which other comedy series?

4. In nature, what have sepals, pistils, and stamens?

5. Where on the human body would you find crow’s feet?

6. Edwin Eugene Aldrin Jr. is better known by what name?

7. The 1992 signing of the Treaty on European Union took place in which Dutch City – whose name the Treaty is also known as?

8. ‘‘Willie, Willie, Harry, Stee/Harry, Dick, John, Harry three’’ are the first two lines of a mnemonic verse to help one remember what group of people?

9. In the children’s pantomime Aladdin, what is the name of Aladdin’s laundry owning mother?

10. Where would you find a pelmet? a) on the head of a bird, b) above a window, c) at the end of a shoelace.

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