Nelson Mail

Five-minute quiz


1. In English folklore which figure was the queen of the fairies?

2. A conchologi­st studies or collects which items?

3. In the 1968 movie, which make and model of car is The Love Bug?

4. By which man’s name was The Love Bug known?

5. Tricking consumers into believing a product is environmen­tally friendly is known as ‘‘_____washing’’?

6. What is the meaning in English of the Māori phrase ‘‘E noho’’?

7. Who was the Greek god of the sky?

8. A ‘‘foot spot’’ is found on which item of sports/leisure equipment? a) dartboard; b) pool table; c) pinball machine.

9. ‘‘It is a truth universall­y acknowledg­ed, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.’’ Is the opening sentence of which classic Jane Austen novel? a) Sense and Sensibilit­y; b) Emma; c) Pride and Prejudice.

10. In the military, which bugle music – named for the French word meaning to wake up – is played at the beginning of the day?

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