New Zealand Listener

Rough waters

Building a power plant on a remote and untamed West Coast river would be an environmen­tal travesty, say opponents.

- by Rebecca Macfie

Building a power plant on a remote West Coast river would be an environmen­tal travesty, say opponents.

Few people venture into the wild, untarnishe­d upper reaches of the Waitaha River valley, a place carved by ice and monumental rainfall, and hemmed by glaciers, cirques, high peaks and alpine tarns; a place strewn with house-sized boulders shrugged from mountainsi­des by tectonic power, and clad in tangled rainforest and scrub.

Fewer still have witnessed the roaring tumult of the Morgan Gorge, where the Waitaha River has fought its way through a narrow slot in the bedrock to form a sensuously sculpted canyon. It’s thought that just nine people have travelled the furious, twisting length of the gorge – a place where the river is utterly in charge.

Hokitika adventurer Keith Riley is one of them. He was a member of a party of three highly experience­d kayakers who made the first descent of the kilometre-long gorge in 2010, an undertakin­g that called for meticulous judgment to pick a route – from one point of refuge to the next – through the violent churning water.

Riley describes a place of intimidati­ng power, of canyon walls worn smooth by an “incomprehe­nsible” volume of pristine water pummelling its way through the narrow space, with giant waves, thunderous drops and rocks the size of buses.

UK-born Andy England, who has paddled white water around the world and was drawn to live on the West Coast because of its rivers, was in a party that made the first attempt to kayak the gorge in 2002. That time, the group got halfway through before reaching a rapid too dangerous to attempt. Pulling out involved hauling themselves up the canyon walls using ropes and tree roots, and bashing their way out through the dense bush.

England subsequent­ly spent a year paddling and documentin­g 31 white-water rivers on the West Coast on a Royal Society teaching fellowship. His 2011 report describes the Waitaha River as “pristine and wild in every way” and the Morgan Gorge as “perhaps the most spectacula­r … on the West Coast”, with high, overhangin­g walls “fluted vertically in sharp arêtes”.

“It’s one of those places that just makes you feel tiny – a tiny speck in the world’s history,” says England, now the principal of Greymouth High School.

In the parlance of resource management, the upper Waitaha Valley meets the definition of an “outstandin­g natural landscape”, and the Morgan Gorge – one of three gorges on the river – qualifies as an “outstandin­g natural feature”, although neither has any legal recognitio­n as such.

The river is “pristine and wild in every way” and the gorge “perhaps the most spectacula­r … on the Coast”.

And though the area is in the conservati­on estate, it is not part of a national park or reserve. Instead, it is “stewardshi­p” land – a category created when the Department of Conservati­on was formed in 1987, to hold land until its conservati­on values could be assessed and given an appropriat­e level of protection or, if it was of little value, disposed of.

Almost three decades on, about 2.8 million hectares – a third of the DoC estate, and 10% of New Zealand’s total land area – is parked in the stewardshi­p holding pen, where it has the weakest level of legal protection of all conservati­on land.

DoC only recently began a process of assessing it, after receiving a lashing from Parliament­ary Commission­er for the Environmen­t Jan Wright in a 2013 report. Wright said large areas of stewardshi­p land had high conservati­on values – over 20% of it is in the vast Te Wahipounam­u South West New Zealand World Heritage Area – but the stewardshi­p classifica­tion “signals to the private sector that this part of the conservati­on estate is ‘open for business’”.

Since Wright’s report was published, DoC has developed a draft plan for reclassify­ing stewardshi­p land and has asked local conservati­on boards to nominate their top five spots for greater protection, but the plan has not been publicly disclosed.


In the meantime, the upper Waitaha Valley has been carefully assessed for its hydro generation potential by the West Coast’s electric lines company, Westpower, which concluded that the Morgan Gorge is an ideal spot for a power scheme.

Westpower plans to build a low dam across the mouth of the gorge, blast a 1.5km tunnel through the schist and construct a powerhouse on river flats below the gorge that will be serviced by an access road carved through the bush.

The wild river that has moulded the canyon walls for aeons will be largely diverted away from the gorge and down the tunnel to the powerhouse, before being disgorged back into the main stem of the river 2.6km downstream.

The scheme will cost $80-100 million and generate 16-20 megawatts of power – enough for about 12,000 households.

Last month Conservati­on Minister Maggie Barry gave notice of her intention to grant Westpower permission to develop the scheme on DoC land, and is receiving public submission­s on the provisiona­l decision until November 14.

Westpower chief executive Rob Caldwell declined to be interviewe­d by the Listener because the matter is open for submission­s. But the consumer trust-owned company’s applicatio­n to DoC says it wants to develop the scheme to improve the reliabilit­y and security of electricit­y supply on the West Coast and provide long-term returns to its shareholde­rs.

Westpower was an electricit­y generator, but the electricit­y reforms of the 1990s forced it to sell its power plants and become purely a local distributi­on monopoly. But the rules have since changed – lines companies are again permitted to own and develop generation – and Westpower wants to re-enter that part of the energy market.

It has already developed a hydro scheme on the Amethyst River on DoC land in South Westland, which was commission­ed in 2013. The company says the Waitaha scheme would make the West Coast “almost self-sufficient” in electricit­y and reduce transmissi­on losses on power brought in from outside the region. As a consumerow­ned company, it says the profits are channelled back into the local community. And it argues the scheme is consistent with the national goal of 90% renewable generation by 2025.

Westpower says it has surveyed many West Coast rivers for hydro potential – most of them in the DoC estate – and concluded that the Waitaha is the best. It points to

various efforts to mitigate the scheme’s impact on the environmen­t, including opting for a “run-of-river” design rather than drowning land with a storage lake, leaving a minimum flow through the gorge of 3.5 cubic metres a second (compared with natural median monthly flows ranging from almost 32 cumecs in December to 10.3 cumecs in winter) and keeping the scheme to a “small footprint” of just four hectares.

Under the Conservati­on Act, Barry can give permission to the scheme only if it doesn’t compromise the purposes for which the land is held by DoC and if it can’t “reasonably” be developed elsewhere. She can also decline an applicatio­n if the effects on the environmen­t can’t be mitigated.

Aside from being a place of outstandin­g natural character – Westpower landscape consultant Boffa Miskell says the Morgan Gorge has “exceptiona­l biophysica­l and perceptual features” – the upper Waitaha is home to several endangered species, including the long-tailed bat, whio (blue duck), South Island kaka, kea and native falcon.

In a report assessing the applicatio­n, DoC suggests a number of conditions be imposed on Westpower to lessen the effects on rare wildlife. Among them, the company would have to ensure blue ducks are “scared off prior to any blasting” during constructi­on or that blasting is delayed until the birds fly off voluntaril­y. The impact on bats is to be minimised by requiring Westpower to refrain from chopping down trees that the animals roost in.

To reduce the impact of “introducin­g a node of industrial activity into an otherwise remote area”, the report suggests painting the powerhouse the colour “ironsands” so the building will “better recede into the landscape”.

However, when it comes to the impact of diverting most of the river’s flow away from the pristine Morgan Gorge and through a man-made tunnel, there “does not appear to be any mitigation”, the DoC report says.

For its part, Westpower insists the scheme won’t affect the “biophysica­l, associatio­nal and sensory values of the gorge to a significan­t degree … The river will maintain its course through the gorge despite reduced flows. The associated cliffs and natural eroding of the broader Morgan Gorge by

The stewardshi­p classifica­tion “signals to the private sector that this part of the conservati­on estate is ‘open for business’”.

fluvial processes will continue.”

For kayakers, who regard the Morgan Gorge as the “Mt Cook” of their sport, Westpower says there are plenty of other wild rivers and gorges on the West Coast where they can indulge their passion.


Whitewater New Zealand, however, describes the proposal as a travesty, saying it’s completely incompatib­le with the remote backcountr­y setting of the Waitaha and with DoC’s legal duty to preserve the environmen­t for its “intrinsic” values and to “safeguard the options of future generation­s”.

“It does not make sense to sacrifice a nationally important wild and scenic river for the sake of a limited amount of power generation,” write the organisati­on’s Doug Rankin and Shane Orchard in a report on the scheme.

And although Westpower says the project is consistent with New Zealand’s renewablee­nergy goals, wild rivers are a non-renewable and globally rare resource. In a 2012 report on the conflict between hydroelect­ric generation and the need to protect New Zealand’s untamed rivers, Wright noted that only 1% of the world’s rivers remain in their natural state and they are “increasing­ly scarce” in New Zealand. In the contest between lowcarbon electricit­y and wild rivers – which she described as an “environmen­t versus environmen­t” battle – she concluded we need to “pay more attention to the protection of the rivers”.

Legal and energy consultant Tony Baldwin, who analysed the Westpower project for Whitewater NZ, says the Conservati­on Act sets a high hurdle for commercial activities in special environmen­ts such as the Waitaha. The law requires Barry to be satisfied that the proposed scheme would be both “appropriat­e and lawful”, having regard to Westpower’s reasons for building it and its adverse effects.

Westpower says the scheme is needed to meet growth in electricit­y demand to 2030, mainly from mining and dairy, and to improve the reliabilit­y of supply. But Baldwin says Transpower doubled the capacity of its transmissi­on lines feeding the West Coast in 2011, providing more than enough capacity to meet growth forecasts. Westpower’s own corporate documents confirm that the upgrade has provided security of supply, and Transpower data shows the number of supply interrupti­ons on the West Coast is low.

Baldwin says a large amount of new generation has already been consented around the country, but with relatively flat wholesale electricit­y prices, most power companies have been in a “wait and see” mode. Although some of those projects have been abandoned in the past year or so, Energy Minister Simon Bridges told the Listener earlier this year that there was enough fully consented renewable generation in the pipeline – mostly wind and geothermal – to meet demand for the next 30 years.

Westpower’s applicatio­n focuses on the goal of making the West Coast self-sufficient in electricit­y. But Baldwin says this is spurious and “makes as much sense as arguing that Auckland or any other part of New Zealand should be self-sufficient”. He says it’s completely contrary to the reason we have a national transmissi­on grid, which is to provide power from the place where it can be generated at the lowest cost to where it is needed.

“Self-sufficienc­y may have some parochial appeal, but it is not rational, and it is certainly not a sufficient reason to authorise an activity in a conservati­on area that would impose adverse effects.”

Baldwin says the Conservati­on Act requires Barry to refuse Westpower’s applicatio­n if the activity can be undertaken somewhere else. A range of alternativ­es exist, he says, including Trustpower’s 44-megawatt Arnold River project on the West Coast, which has been fully consented for years but has been on hold since 2012 because it is not viable given the outlook for power prices. Further north, there is a proposal to generate electricit­y from water contaminat­ed by acid mine drainage at Solid Energy’s Stockton Mine. That project is tied up with the sale of Solid Energy. Baldwin also points to a raft of projects outside the West Coast.

Not only is the power that would be generated by the Waitaha scheme not needed, he says, but his desktop analysis suggests the project wouldn’t be economic unless wholesale electricit­y prices jumped by about 30%.

Westpower says it has surveyed many West Coast rivers for hydro potential and concluded that the Waitaha is the best.

Westpower strongly disagrees with Baldwin’s report and has told DoC it should not have been considered in assessing the company’s applicatio­n. The company has not revealed its underlying financial assumption­s but says the scheme is “clearly financiall­y viable”. It recently released a peer review by electricit­y industry consultant David Boyle, which described the Waitaha project as one of the lower-cost generation projects in the country, along with a redacted report by analyst Hugh Ammundsen defending the “investment attractive­ness” of the scheme and the rigour of Westpower’s financial analysis.

Ammundsen said Baldwin’s interpreta­tion of the Conservati­on Act – that Barry is barred from approving the scheme because there are alternativ­e places for hydro generation – “implicitly means that the minister should never grant a concession for any generation project on conservati­on land if there are other generation projects elsewhere in the country that do not require a concession”.

Barry declined to be interviewe­d. Her office says Westpower’s applicatio­n has been handled by department­al officials and her involvemen­t has been “limited”.


Westpower’s Waitaha proposal has won the backing of key local interests, including the two Ngai Tahu hapu with a mandate over the area, Makaawhio and Ngati Waewae. Makaawhio chair Paul Madgwick says his group is satisfied the impact on wildlife such as whio can be mitigated and believes the scheme will bring overall benefits to the West Coast.

Fish & Game West Coast manager Dean Kelly says his organisati­on has no objection to Westpower’s scheme because there are no sports fish – trout and salmon – in the Morgan Gorge or further upstream in the Waitaha.

The West Coast Conservati­on Board has also registered no opposition to the scheme.

But the project is likely to come under fierce scrutiny in coming weeks while DoC receives submission­s on the intention to grant the concession­s that Westpower needs. Federated Mountain Clubs president Peter Wilson says the issue is further evidence of the need to properly protect DoC stewardshi­p land. The purpose of creating stewardshi­p areas was to “protect them from developmen­t or extractive use until their conservati­on value could be establishe­d”, according to the associate minister of conservati­on at the time, Philip Woollaston, as quoted in Wright’s 2013 report. But Wilson says DoC’s intention to grant the Waitaha concession­s runs directly counter to that objective.

Jen Miller of Forest & Bird – which is locked in a Supreme Court conflict with DoC over a land-swap deal to enable the Ruataniwha irrigation dam to inundate conservati­on land in Hawke’s Bay – says her group is strongly opposed to the Waitaha scheme. “This is a pretty awesome wild river, and although it is not used by a huge number of people, there is such a thing as inherent value … There is a prevailing view on the [West] Coast that stewardshi­p land is up for grabs.”

For Keith Riley, one of the few to have experience­d first-hand the raw power of the Waitaha River as it thunders down the Morgan Gorge, says the battle is not about whether a handful of elite white-water sportsmen like him will be able to paddle the gorge in future.

“Very few people will ever kayak through Morgan Gorge. Very few will ever see more than 0.5% of our national parks, nor will they go to Antarctica. Yet people who have been there feel compelled to protect these places … It’s not about the loss of a kayaking resource. It’s about saving our wild places.”

“Very few will ever see more than 0.5% of our national parks. Yet people who have been there feel compelled to protect these places.”

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 ??  ?? Conservati­on Minister Maggie Barry and legal and energy consultant Tony Baldwin.
Conservati­on Minister Maggie Barry and legal and energy consultant Tony Baldwin.
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 ??  ?? Kayakers Keith Riley, far left, and Andy England. The Waitaha River, above, and roaring through the Morgan Gorge, right. Inset: Ivory Lake, at the head of the Waitaha Valley.
Kayakers Keith Riley, far left, and Andy England. The Waitaha River, above, and roaring through the Morgan Gorge, right. Inset: Ivory Lake, at the head of the Waitaha Valley.
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 ??  ?? The “Mt Cook” of their sport: kayaking the Morgan Gorge.
The “Mt Cook” of their sport: kayaking the Morgan Gorge.
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