New Zealand Listener

Putting away the truncheon

If President Donald Trump keeps his election promise to build up the military, at the expense of foreign aid and environmen­tal programmes, America’s role as the world’s policeman will be under threat.

- By Paul Thomas

If the US decides to build up its military, at the expense of foreign aid and environmen­tal programmes, the country’s role as the world’s policeman will be threatened.

Eighty-year-old John McCain, the very senior senator from Arizona, used the recent Munich Security Conference to position himself as the antiTrump, if not de facto leader of the Opposition. As is generally the case, McCain’s subject matter was the threat to everything we hold dear, and his prognosis was bleak. The Western world was imperilled, he said, to the extent that its very survival is in question

“While Western nations still have the power to maintain our world order, it is unclear whether we have the will,” he told the Munich gathering. In his view, this ambivalenc­e is fuelled by concern that the US is “laying down the mantle of global leadership”.

The speech went down a treat with the audience and commentari­at – the Washington Post correspond­ent described it as a “striking point-by-point takedown of Trump’s world view and brand of nationalis­m” – but some back home dismissed it as yet another quixotic call to arms.

It was just as well, said fellow Republican Senator Rand Paul, that McCain wasn’t in charge, “because I think we’d be in perpetual war”. Paul was echoing Trump, who has hauled Fortress America neoisolati­onism from the margins, if not the lunatic fringe, all the way to the White House. In January, Trump accused McCain and his partner in interventi­onism, Senator Lindsey Graham, of “always looking to start World War III”.

If the rest of the world has never quite made up its mind whether it wants the US to be the world’s policeman, the same can’t be said of the American Establishm­ent, particular­ly the conservati­ve wing. But with Trump as President and the conservati­ve movement largely in his thrall, it seems distinctly possible that the world’s policeman will take his truncheon and go home.

Should we be dismayed at the

prospect or buoyed by it? If history is any guide, we’ll remain equivocal since, to paraphrase Oscar Wilde, the only thing worse than America being the world’s policeman is America not being the world’s policeman.

Take Syria: in 2013, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces killed 1500 civilians in a chemical attack. There were demands for American armed interventi­on, and when it wasn’t forthcomin­g, President Barack Obama was ridiculed for backing away from his previous insistence that such an attack would constitute the crossing of a “red line”. When the dust settled, Syria had agreed to the destructio­n of its chemical-weapons stockpile, but Assad was still in power and Syrians were still being slaughtere­d.

Amid the criticism, there was scant recognitio­n that the US had barely finished extracting itself from a military adventure against another Baathist dictator who’d used chemical weapons against his own people. That exercise was widely deemed to have been a catastroph­ic mistake, the malign consequenc­es of which are still being felt and will continue to be felt for the foreseeabl­e future.

Those who argued for interventi­on in Syria on humanitari­an grounds had clearly forgotten that British Prime Minister Tony Blair invoked humanitari­an interventi­on, specifical­ly the absence of it in Rwanda in 1994 and the success of it in Kosovo in 1999, to justify his Government’s active support for the American invasion of Iraq. (The argument wasn’t without substance: Saddam Hussein’s purges, genocides and general tyranny had accounted for about 250,000 Iraqis.)

It’s estimated that at least 400,000 people have died in the Syrian civil war and half the population have been driven from their homes. The resultant refugee crisis has caused a political shockwave, the reverberat­ions from which will be felt for a long time.

It’s easy to conclude that the whole idea of a world policeman who maintains order is a delusion.

When you look at it like that, it’s easy to conclude that the whole idea of a world policeman who maintains order is a delusion and if foreigners whose history and culture the West doesn’t really understand want to kill each other, there’s not much even the most powerful nation on Earth can do about it except make a bad situation worse.

There are so many inconsiste­ncies and contradict­ions emanating from the Trump administra­tion – one China or two? A one-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinia­n impasse or two? – that it’s difficult to know whether we’re witnessing a sea change in internatio­nal affairs or a squall that will blow itself out.

It’s clear, however, that Trump and some of his advisers are challengin­g the hitherto monolithic consensus around America’s post-war role in the world because they believe it doesn’t serve narrow national interests. Being the world’s policeman is difficult, hazardous, expensive and unapprecia­ted. (The added firepower created by the proposed whopping increase in defence spending won’t necessaril­y be deployed on anyone else’s behalf.) Add in the internatio­nal community’s diffidence, a product of wanting a Dixon of Dock Green-style friendly neighbourh­ood beat copper rather than a trigger-happy Dirty Harry, and it’s understand­able that McCain and his ilk perceive a threat to the old world order.

Perhaps the best outcome would be for the US to become a kind of Clayton’s world policeman – don the uniform, walk the beat, occasional­ly flourish the truncheon but not throw its weight around. Instead of blundering into faraway places of which it knows next to nothing, it could confine itself to sledgehamm­er/walnut exercises in its own backyard, such as the 1983 invasion of Grenada, in which swift victory is assured and people can go to the movie of the war secure in the knowledge that hardly any Americans get killed. (See Clint Eastwood’s

Heartbreak Ridge.)

At least one nation will be unequivoca­lly delighted if Trump’s America really does lay down the mantle of global leadership, which in practice means projecting hard and soft power to every corner of the world.

In a sense, the retreat is under way: the “shining city on a hill”, as Ronald Reagan liked to portray America, is already less of a beacon in a dark world than it was a few months ago. The Soviet Union may no longer exist, but the Kremlin’s great strategic goal hasn’t changed: to detach the US from Europe, thereby acquiring a free hand in Eastern Europe and effective hegemony over Western Europe.

That alluring prospect explains why the Russians love Trump. One of these days, we might find out what he sees in them.

 ??  ?? US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
 ??  ?? 1. Senator John McCain; 2. Senator Rand Paul; 3. Senator Lindsey Graham; 4. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad; 5. Ex- President Barack Obama; 6. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. 4 1
1. Senator John McCain; 2. Senator Rand Paul; 3. Senator Lindsey Graham; 4. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad; 5. Ex- President Barack Obama; 6. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. 4 1
 ??  ?? 3 6
3 6
 ??  ?? 2 5
2 5
 ??  ?? US troops in training near Kuwait’s border with Iraq before the 2003 invasion.
US troops in training near Kuwait’s border with Iraq before the 2003 invasion.

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