New Zealand Listener

10 Quick Questions


1. Who wrote the influentia­l short story An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge?

❑ O Henry

❑ Edgar Allan Poe

❑ Ambrose Bierce

❑ Dorothy Parker

2. Who performed the theme song for the Bond film Skyfall?

❑ Madonna

❑ Adele

❑ Sam Smith

❑ Jack White

3. The benthic zone is a region located where?

❑ Outer space

❑ Underwater

4. True or false? There is a growing flat-Earth movement in the US.

❑ True

❑ False

5. Where is the ruined Mayan city of Chichen Itza, a Unesco World Heritage Site?

❑ Mexico

❑ Guatemala

❑ Honduras

❑ Belize

6. Which TV drama was centred on the company Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce?

❑ The Good Wife

❑ Mad Men

❑ Boston Legal

❑ Ally McBeal

7. In ancient times, what was applying “a hair of the dog that bit you” thought to cure?

❑ Ringworm

❑ Tuberculos­is

❑ Rabies

❑ Campylobac­ter

8. Popular in Hawaiian cuisine, what does the dish poke consist of?

❑ Raw fish salad

❑ Deep fried spam

❑ Shaved ice and milk

❑ Fried egg with rice

9. Who famously wrote: “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperatio­n.” ❑ Henry David Thoreau ❑ Germaine Greer

❑ Bill Gates

❑ Mahatma Gandhi

10. From which TV series does the phrase “jump the shark” originate? ❑ Baywatch

❑ Happy Days

❑ Miami Vice

❑ The Love Boat

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