New Zealand Listener

Quips& Quotes


“Some ideas are so absurd only intellectu­als believe them.” – attributed to both George Orwell and Bertrand Russell

“The people I knew in school who excelled in sport are all dead. That’s deeply gratifying.” – Barry Humphries

“Science literacy empowers you to know when someone else is full of shit.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson

“I let my seven-year-old stay up and watch a couple of the Dancing With the Stars dances last night. Seemed harmless enough but this morning at breakfast she gave her younger sister 6/10.” – Jesse Mulligan

“The judges are right. I do need to keep my legs together more often. I had nine children and I should’ve learned a long time ago. Sometimes I just can’t help myself.” – Marama Fox on Dancing With the Stars

“Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards.” – Vernon Law

“We are quite a fiddlylook­ing shaped country, a bit like a half-eaten lamb chop.” – Rhys Darby

“President Trump can take the Nobel Prize. The only thing we need is peace.”

– South Korean President Moon Jae-in

“Rome wasn’t built in a day – that was Birkenhead.” – football banner seen in Rome

“Imagine a PR crisis so bad that your best move is to admit you paid hush money to a porn star.” – Trevor Noah

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