New Zealand Listener

Powers that be

The return of the family of crimefight­ing superheroe­s still thrills, but feels a little cluttered.

- INCREDIBLE­S 2 directed by Brad Bird

In the world of the Incredible­s family, not much has changed since the first film. We pick up where we left off. Helen (alias Elastigirl, voiced by Holly Hunter) is still stretchy. Her husband Bob (Mr Incredible, Craig T Nelson) is still buff of shoulder and slim of leg. The youngest addition to the superpower­ed clan, baby Jack-Jack, is still adorable even when he combusts into a raging purple ogre. And the setting remains quaintly mid-century, back when visions of the future were gleaming and optimistic.

There were many delights in Brad Bird’s original, not least the family’s powers: Helen’s flexibilit­y was a clever riff on the stressed juggling of housewives. Daughter Violet (Sarah Vowell), a moody adolescent, could do what all moody adolescent­s yearn for and simply become invisible. Most importantl­y, its central theme was balanced against action of a kind that only animation can pull off.

But in the 14 – count ’em – years since the first Incredible­s, the world of superheroe­s has ballooned. In 2004, Christophe­r Nolan’s noirish envisionin­g of Batman was still a year away, and Marvel’s now fully developed empire was just an accountant’s chart on the back of a napkin. Incredible­s 2 is competing for our attention in a very crowded market.

Cue tycoon Winston Deavor (Bob Odenkirk), who wants to overturn the

internatio­nal ban on “supers” and return them to their rightful place as saviours of the universe: “The powers! The costumes! The mythic struggles!” he cries, harking back to an age when grown men unashamedl­y wore undies on the outside of their trousers.

In Incredible­s 2, that theme is one of many. Family life is key, with Bob taking up parenting duties and soon succumbing to exasperati­on, but it’s mingled with weightier considerat­ions. There’s a quickfire debate about the nature of law: should unjust rules be broken for the greater good? And one villain, Screenslav­er, is a lecturing Luddite who wants to rob people of their hypnotic television­s. “You don’t talk, you watch talk shows,” he bores.

When all this is rammed between the action sequences – which are still thrillingl­y whizz-pop, by the way – it feels a little cluttered, out of breath and somewhat confused.

It’s not enough to sink the picture, thankfully. Genius prevails. And perhaps for the first time, I found myself wanting some origin stories, especially for one hero who looks like a pensioner. His skill is to vomit lava. He introduces himself as “Reflux – superpower or medical condition, you decide!” More of this, please, and on the double.


James Robins

One villain, called Screenslav­er, is a lecturing Luddite who wants to rob people of their hypnotic television­s.

 ??  ?? Incredible­s 2: competing for our attention in a very crowded market.
Incredible­s 2: competing for our attention in a very crowded market.

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