New Zealand Listener

Say when to liquor cuts


The sale of liquor has been a moral and political battlegrou­nd in New Zealand for more than a century. The guns may fall silent for a time, but eventually the war resumes. Hostilitie­s broke out again this month with a two-pronged offensive from the advocates of tighter controls on alcohol. First, the New Zealand Medical Associatio­n called for a ban on the sale of cheap alcohol in supermarke­ts as a first step towards the associatio­n’s ultimate goal of abolishing supermarke­t liquor sales altogether. That was followed by a conference in Wellington where speakers presented an alarming picture of the social and economic costs of New Zealanders’ drinking habits.

Among their claims: alcohol harm costs $1635 a year for every New Zealander (Wellington economist Ganesh Nana); 20% of drinkers account for 75% of alcohol sales but don’t bear the cost of their excessive consumptio­n (Melbourne economist John Marsden); alcohol is implicated in New Zealand’s high suicide rate (suicide researcher Annette Beautrais); and police spend too much time standing outside bars stopping drunks from fighting (police alcohol harm prevention co-ordinator Graham Shields).

In the same week, a Radio New Zealand programme focused attention on the frightenin­g consequenc­es of fetal alcohol syndrome and made a compelling case for explicit warnings against drinking during pregnancy to be made mandatory on alcohol labels.

These are legitimate concerns. Campaigner­s for stricter liquor laws have been accused of citing statistics selectivel­y and using flawed methodolog­ies (economist Eric Crampton, for example, has vigorously challenged Nana’s figures on the costs of alcohol abuse), but there’s no denying that a minority of New Zealand drinkers cause themselves and others immense harm. The question is what, if anything, should be done about it.

The country’s doctors want wine and beer removed from supermarke­t shelves because it supposedly “normalises” alcohol consumptio­n. Perhaps they haven’t noticed that drinking in moderation, as a means of relaxing, socialisin­g and celebratin­g, has been considered normal in Western societies for centuries. In New Zealand, as in many other countries, consumers appreciate the convenienc­e of combining wine and beer purchases with their grocery shopping. They have been doing it for nearly 30 years and are unlikely to react well if any government tried to take that right away from them.

Other anti-liquor activists want a higher excise tax and minimum alcohol prices to counter the availabili­ty of cheap alcohol. But these measures would penalise responsibl­e, moderate drinkers – whom Marsden admits make up the overwhelmi­ng majority of liquor consumers – along with those who can’t or won’t control their intake.

In a democracy, the presumed benefits of a crackdown aimed at abusers must always be weighed against the effects on the majority who cause no problem. And even if alcohol was made more expensive or harder to obtain, there’s no evidence that hard-core, recidivist binge drinkers – the type who rack up repeated drink-drive conviction­s – would change their habits. The experience with tobacco suggests that the people who most need to give up the product are those who are least able or willing to do so.

But there is another issue here. The anti-liquor lobbyists seem determined not to acknowledg­e alcohol’s social and economic benefits, which are not easily quantified, or the many ways in which New Zealanders have matured in their drinking habits. They don’t tell us, for example, that per capita alcohol consumptio­n has fallen markedly since the late 1980s – a decline that coincided with the liberalisa­tion of our previously infantilis­ing liquor laws.

They rail about the dangers of binge drinking but overlook the fact that binge drinking was infinitely worse when, in a misguided attempt to control men’s alcohol intake, it was institutio­nalised and officially sanctioned in the form of the “six o’clock swill”. They don’t acknowledg­e that per capita consumptio­n in New Zealand is moderate by Western standards – lower, for example, than the average in Britain and continenta­l Europe. And they don’t mention that some previous attempts to reduce the harm caused by alcohol – such as the 2014 reduction in drink-driving limits – have clearly failed.

What’s needed is a balanced debate that takes into account the social and economic benefits of alcohol. Perhaps if the activists weren’t so relentless­ly alarmist in their assessment of its role in our culture, people might take more notice of them.

They don’t tell us alcohol consumptio­n a head has fallen markedly since the late 1980s .

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