New Zealand Listener

Zoe Nicholson


What’s your philosophy on healthy eating? I believe you can eat whatever you like, whenever you like. When this occurs, you form a genuine trust in your appetite cues and an understand­ing of how food makes you feel. This freedom provides both the required nourishmen­t and pleasure we need for good health.

Is healthy eating a priority for you? It is important to me to nourish my body and ensure I eat a good variety of food. It’s also important to receive pleasure from the food I eat.

Have you always had a non-diet approach to eating? Yes and no. I’ve always eaten the food I enjoy and never dieted. However, I was influenced by diet culture for years and thought understand­ing portion sizes and calories was necessary. When I learned about the non-diet approach and intuitive eating, I realised that wasn’t necessary.

How do you decide what to eat? Some choices are routine, such as my morning toast. Others are based on what’s in the house, what’s on the menu when eating out, my appetite, the season, my mood, how much time I’ve got to cook, the environmen­t and who I’m with.

How do you decide when to eat? Mostly it’s when I’m hungry. Sometimes I also eat when I’m not hungry but want to enjoy a certain taste.

What did you have for breakfast today? Toast with extra virgin olive oil and Vegemite.

What about for lunch? A mix of rice, legumes, greens, toasted seeds, cheese

and tuna.

What’s a typical evening meal for you? Meat, fish, quiche or pie with vegetables, or pizza.

What’s your advice for dieters pursuing a smaller body? If you’ve struggled and possibly ended up heavier, it’s not your fault; the inability to achieve a smaller body means you’re a successful human. Please talk with a non-diet and health-atevery-size practition­er to understand why.

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