New Zealand Listener

Nuanced and moving: Julia Roberts and Lucas Hedges in Ben is Back.


hours, and in its brief span shows up the other recent kid-on-drugs film Beautiful Boy. From the first frame it’s clear that this reserved and low-key picture is not so shamelessl­y portentous, not so eager to wrench our heartstrin­gs without earning the right to. There’s no Neil Young on this soundtrack.

The film’s trick is authentici­ty, much of it provided by Roberts. Like any mother, Holly’s thrilled to see her son home, even as her husband and daughter eye him warily. But fear of a relapse lingers: she smothers Ben in hugs, then promptly hides all the medication and jewellery in the house.

Indeed, aside from one obligatory scene at a 12 Steps meeting and a brief conversati­on with a jittery tweaker, this is an addiction drama with barely a needle or broken lightbulb in sight. It explores the corrosive impact of drugs through the consequenc­es it wreaks on families and communitie­s. The pall of Ben’s past life hangs over the story. Rather than rely on tedious flashbacks or grating explanatio­n – as Beautiful Boy did to its detriment – director Peter Hedges (Lucas’ father) cleverly contrives to have Ben revisit places from his wigged-out days, forcing him to contend with selfish blindness. We get the traumatise­d afterglow, rather than weightless re-enactment.

Which is not to say that Ben is Back is a mirthless and dire experience. In places where you least expect them, someone will crack a dark and cynical joke, such as when Holly brutally excoriates the now-senile family doctor for giving Ben powerful painkiller­s when he was a teenager, setting in motion a cycle of habit.

It’s a moment that is shocking, funny and pathetic all at once.

Of course, Holly’s outburst (among others) is just another expression of that fierce protection. And as the film spirals towards a tough conclusion, it’s through Roberts’ extraordin­ary, haunting performanc­e that we see how devotion truly has no limit.


She smothers Ben in hugs, then promptly hides all the medication and jewellery in the house.

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