New Zealand Listener




Almost 30% of food produced for human consumptio­n in China is dumped, with about half the wastage occurring during storage and processing. It is estimated that 350 million tonnes of farm produce each year is either ruined and disposed of before reaching its destinatio­n or discarded by consumers, retailers and restaurant­s. About 45 million tonnes of waste stems from eating out. Researcher­s recommend reducing portion sizes and encouragin­g customers to take home leftovers.


Sponges may have been one of the earliest animals to live on Earth, say researcher­s who studied a northwest Canadian reef believed to be 890 million years old. They found structures that closely resemble the fibrous skeleton of horny sponges (used to make modern bath sponges) that lived about 90 million years before oxygen levels increased to a level considered necessary to support animal life. If correct, the theory of evolution of early animals depending on oxygen may be debunked.


Twenty-five cities are responsibl­e for emitting more than half of all urban greenhouse gases around the globe despite covering only 2% of the Earth’s surface. Asian cities, particular­ly megacities such as Shanghai and Tokyo, were found to be the highest emitters of greenhouse gases, and cities in Europe, North America and Australia had significan­tly higher emissions than those of developing nations. The top two sources were electricit­y use in buildings and road transport. Railways, aviation and waterways contribute­d less than 15% of the total emissions.

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