New Zealand Listener


- By David Tossman

Puzzle No 1243

Clues across

1. Perennial, inordinate red tape entangles executive leader (8) 5. Full-grown horse goes about the middle of autumn (6) 9. A characteri­stic of power that is on-going (7) 10. Expose the actors as friendless (7) 11. Henry had snake wriggling as an introducto­ry act (9) 12. Born desperatel­y, heartlessl­y, impoverish­ed (5) 13. Thunder starts to roll over and rumble (4) 14. Trick gone wrong when whizzing along (9) 18. An aspect of a plan for promotion (9) 19. A bit of a rap session in the vicinity of the altar (4) 21. Not in good condition: it follows foolish fun (5) 23. Lamenting change in a straight arrangemen­t (9) 24. A bit of a sex act, lying on the nose (7) 25. Porn is to some extent tacit or elusive in retrospect (7) 26. Do pray actively for take-off (6) 27. Rush made pets difficult (8)

Clues down

1. Mount Cook hero cares (9) 2. A tear in part of the book showing one’s descent (9) 3. Disincline­d to a bit of poetry (6) 4. It is highly unusual being more plain (13) 6. Showed up in time for morning tea with the first signs of Dutch elm disease (8) 7. Customary practice in a manner of speaking (5) 8. The door guard is decapitate­d (5) 10. I’ve confronted characters being cocksure (4-9) 15. I am, with difficult recipes, quite sloppy (9) 16. Dog damaged tea garden (5,4) 17. Cat dealt badly with being milked (8) 20. Dob in by way of a criminal record (6) 21. Exhaust sheep, say, by not sleeping (3,2) 22. Female stands before the lion’s den with style and panache (5)

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