New Zealand Listener

10 Quick Questions


1. True or false? The character James Bond has visited New Zealand at least once in the films.

❑ True

❑ False

2. True or false? Tomatoes have been a part of Italian cuisine since Ancient Roman times.

❑ True

❑ False

3. Which of these words may refer to a dessert made with rennet and sweetened milk?

❑ Jaunt

❑ Jamboree

❑ Junket

❑ Jaggery

4. Who was New Zealand’s Prime Minister at the outbreak of World War II?

❑ Peter Fraser

❑ Sidney Holland

❑ Walter Nash

❑ Michael Joseph Savage

5. Which of these was not a character in the Little Rascals films?

❑ Opie

❑ Spanky

❑ Darla

❑ Alfalfa

6. Which of these diseases still infects a small number of people in the US each year?

❑ Rinderpest

❑ Bubonic plague

❑ Polio

❑ Smallpox

7. Which musician topped the Billboard charts in the 1970s with the albums Fulfilling­ness’ First Finale and Songs in the Key of Life ?

❑ Billy Joel

❑ Carole King

❑ Elton John

❑ Stevie Wonder

8. Which film includes the famous Sidney Poitier line: “They call me Mister Tibbs!”

❑ No Way Out

❑ In the Heat of the Night

❑ To Sir, with Love

❑ Blackboard Jungle

9. Which fruit or vegetable was commonly known as the alligator pear until the early 20th Century?

❑ Pineapple

❑ Durian

❑ Jackfruit

❑ Avocado

10. Which common English pub name was inspired by a place where the future King Charles II hid to escape Parliament­arian soldiers?

❑ Waggon & Horses

❑ Royal Oak

❑ Beehive

❑ Rose & Crown

1. False. However, New Zealand was mentioned in the film Goldeneye.

2. False. Tomatoes were introduced to Italy from South America in the 16th century.

3. Junket.

4. Michael Joseph Savage.

5. Opie was a character played by a young Ron Howard in the sitcom The Andy Griffith Show.

6. Bubonic plague.

7. Stevie Wonder.

8. In the Heat of the Night.

9. Avocado.

10. Royal Oak.

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